As time passes (Growing up Au)

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Genre: AU
Word count: 2769
Status: Crushes
Warnings:  lemon (no smut) mention of homophobia
Takes place: while Karl and Chris are growing up.
*since they age in this oneshot the ages will be next to the POV and so will the place there at*

Karl POV (Karl 5 | Chris 7 | Nick 5 | Jimmy 6)
At the playground

"I'm donna get you" Nick yelled ands I ran. We was playing tag and it twas really fun. We is both pretty fast so we's running a wot.

"No you not" I called back and wooked behind me. When I wooked in front of me I realized I was donna run into someone but it was to late to turn....

"Owww" the boy said after we fell on the ground. He was on da fwoor and I was on his back.

"I'm soooo sorwy" I said worried as I got up. Nick ran over and stopped running. "I didn't mean to run into you" I said feeling upset. Da boy had gotten up and I noticed he was tallwer den me, wooked older, and had pretty brown hair. He wooked cute.. wait cute I's don't know.

"Hey, hey it's ok" he said seeing I was bout to cry. He knelt down a bit since he was tallwer and put a hand on my shoulder. I felt my face warm up ands I don't knows why. "Accidents happen and I'm fine anyways, see" I smiled at him and den he asked. "Whats your name"

"I'm Karl and dats Nick" I said and pointed to nick.

"Cool, I'm Chris and that's Jimmy" he said pointing to his fwiend who hasn't talked yets. Den he asked "how old are y'all"

"I dust turned fibe and he's fibe" I said. It was July and my birthday wasn't long ago.

"That's neat" Chris said. "I just turned 7 and he's 6" I smiled and realized, he's twoo whole years older den me.

"Yous old" Nick said and I'd wooked at Nick.

"Be nice, he's not old" I's said and Nick shrugged. Both da older boys laughed a bit.

"You two want to play with us" Jimmy asked. Both me ands Nick got exited.

"Really" I asked and wooked at Chris. He smiled.

"Sure why not" he said. "Wanna play tag" me and Nick nodded are heads ands he smiled at me. "Good cause, your it" he den tagged me and they ran off. I wooked at Nick and he ran off twos. I laughed and ran after dem. Dis was gonna be fun.

Chris POV (Chris 13 | Karl 11)
Walking around a small town

"You need to shrink" Karl said sarcastically as we walked down the sidewalk.

"No you need to grow" I said in the same tone. I was having my growth spurt and was currently 5'4 while Karl hasn't had his yet and was 4'10.

"My growth spurt needs to hurry up and come" Karl complained. "I'm half a foot shorter then you"

"You still got at least another year dum dum" I said and joked. "Maybe you should hang out with people your age so you don't feel tiny"

"Na, I like hanging out with the old man" he said and nudged me. I playfully rolled my eyes and nudged him back. Then he shoved me harder causing me to fall and land in the dirt since there was a tree planted there. "Oh crap" I looked up at him and gave him an 'evil' smile.

"Your dead" I got up and he bolted as I chased after him. Luckily hardly anyone walked around this part of town. Karl then turned down an alleyway when he realized we had gotten to the more crowded part of the town. I followed him down until he hit a dead end.

"Dang it" he said as I caught up to him. "Don't kill me" I walked over so I was only two inches away from him and crouched down to his height.

"I'm not gonna kill you" I said and noticed his face seemed a bit red. I shrugged it off. "But I am gonna do this-" I then started tickling him and he immediately dropped to the floor. He was up against the wall and I dropped down and had his legs pinned under me so he couldn't get out.

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