289 14 4

Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1306
Status: Dating
Warnings: none
Takes place: In Karls room.
*I bet you thought this was an actual QNA. Nope it's a oneshot.....
.... Actually a QNA sounds fun, so ask me questions and I'll most likely answer ➡️*

Karl POV

"Hello chat" I said happily. Today was an exiting day. "As you see I have my dumb boyfriend next to me, who y'all know as Chris" I said and he shoved me slightly, causing me to laugh a bit. "And today were doing a couples qna since you all really wanted this and hit the sub goal". I looked over at Chris and smiled before continuing. "You also might notice the different setup, I decided to stream this while on my bed because why not". I saw messages in chat go off.

"I feel like I'm in a 2016 vlog" Chris joked "I'm waiting for you to announce a Mac book give away or some shit". I laughed along with him as the chat blew up with 'where's are give away' 'how do you enter' some about 2016 being the good old days and some mocking those old intros.

"This definitely does look like one" I looked back at the camera. "Despite it looking like we're back in 2016 gamers, I promise theirs no give away". The chat then filled with a lot of 'awwws' and some people being 'disappointed'. I smiled and continued explaining. "So like I was explaining before this idiot interrupted me-" i then get shoved by said idiot " -to ask a question you can put it in chat but if you want to make sure we answer then you can donate and ask your question." I said.

"Can we start now" Chris asked and leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Yes babe" I said and he put his arms up happily. Then we got are first question.

Depressed_Liza donated 10$: how long have you two been dating?

"We've been dating for just over a year" I answered.

"We started dating on Valentine's Day last year" Chris said and another question came in.

ChrisnKarlmybeloved donated 5$: who asked out who? I feel like it was Chris.

"It was kind of both of us if that makes since" I said. "I asked weather he liked me or not and he's the one who asked if I'd be his boyfriend". Chris nodded.

"I think I did more though" he said laying his head on my shoulder. "I did kinda take you on a date"

"I'm the one who brought it up"

"And got to flustered to finish" I blushed and he put his head up and laughed a bit. I saw the chat fill up with 'awwws' and people making jokes.

"I hate you" I said being beat red.

"That's a lie and you know it" he said putting his arm behind me. Luckily another dono came in.

panh0206 donated 7$: how long have you liked each other? Who liked who first?

"To answer the second one, this simp liked me first" Chris said.

"You can't say that word on twitch dummy" I said. "And also I am not that".

"I forgot and you definitely are" he said. "You've liked me for how long". I went red and he gave me a cocky smile knowing he was right. I looked at the camera and spoke.

"I started liking him after knowing him for only a week" I said. "So around the start of October in 2019". I saw the chat blow up as that was over two years ago.

"I started liking this idiot around October of 2021"  he said, looked at me and joked.  "And you say you aren't that forbidden S word, you liked me TWO entire years before I liked you".

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