Long distance

362 14 1

Genre: Fluff
Word count: 994
Status: Dating
Warnings: none
Takes place: when Karl went to England

Karl POV (11 pm BST, 6pm EST)

"Hey babe" I said once Chris answered the phone. I tried face timing but he's in the car so I'll have to settle with a call. I'm currently in George's guest room so I could call Chris. George, Tina, and Sap are all in the living room and I would of called Chris out there but I wanted to talk to him on my own. I haven't been able to call much and haven't seen him in person for over a week and it's definitely getting to me. A five hour time zone difference can really make finding time difficult.

"Hey baby, how's being British"  he joked. I laughed a bit. I could tell I was on speaker to

"It's cool but the British are kinda annoying" I said/joked.

"Well then you should fit in perfectly, already have something in common" Chris joked. He thinks he's so funny...

"I'll hang up if your gonna be mean" I said sarcastically both of us knowing I wouldn't.

"You know good and well you love me to much for that" he said and then said dramatically. "Plus we never know when we'll be able to call again" I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see.

"I'll be back home in four days, I think we can live without a phone call"

"Nope I'll die" Chris said sarcastically and dramatically. "It's lonely without an idiot here"

"It's also lonely without a nerd to" I said sarcastically and joked "I actually have to use my brain or google stuff"

"Wow that must be so hard" Chris said continuing to be sarcastic.

"Shut up" I said feeling my face get red. I heard him laugh a bit.

"Your cute you know that" he said and I felt my face get redder. I could tell he has one of his cocky smiles.

"Your annoying" I said feeling a bit flustered. I'm guessing he could tell.

"You love me though" Chris said and I heard what sounded like him parking. "But you'll prouhate me right now".

"Why's that" I asked confused.

"Because I have to go in Walmart and the phone call will cut out." Chris explained. "So I sadly have to hang up".

"Oh ok" I said obviously sounding sad. "You better face time me when you get home"

"I will I promise" he said. "I love you" I smiled.

"I live you to, and please be quick"

"I will" then I heard the beep that meant the call ended. I felt a bit sad since I wanted to talk more but he'll call later, plus it's not like I'm going to bed anytime soon. I got up and went back out the George, Tina, and Sap while I waited for Chris to face time me.

Chris POV (8pm EST, 1am BST)

"One sec" Karl whispered and I heard what sounded like a door opening. Once he turned on his camera I saw he was in the kitchen.

"Why'd you have to move" I asked curiously.

"Me and Sap are sharing George's guest room and he's asleep" he answered. "And Tina's sleeping in the living room so I can't sit out there either"

"Ohh that makes since" I answered and paused and said sarcastically. "Wait your sharing a bed with another man, I feel so cheated on" I heard Karl laugh a bit and saw him smile.

"Karlnaps real, sorry babe" he joked back. I pretended to be offended.

"I'll just have to go down there and fight sapnap then" I joked and Karl playfully rolled his eyes.

"And what are you gonna do" Karl asked sarcastically.

"Put stuff out of his reach"

"You know how high he can jump".

"I'll figure it out then" I answered and heard Karl's laugh. His laugh is adorable.

"So ignoring your plans to kill sap, how's work been" Karl joked and asked the last part.

"Pretty boring honestly" I answered. "I've gotten used to you being here way to much, I forgot that filming can be pretty boring"

"Wow, how have you survived without me before" Karl joked.

"Didn't know anything was missing until we added you" I answered flirtingly "A lot of things were missing that I didn't know about until I met you" I saw Karl blush, he blushed easily. "Now that your gone, I can tell what's missing... more specifically who's missing"

"S-shut up that's to sappy" Karl said slightly flustered.

"You love it though" I said. "Otherwise you wouldn't be blushing" Karl went even redder and I laughed a bit.

"Your mean" he said looking away and covering his face with one hand. I lightly chuckled and. It iced the time. It was 8:34 for me so I know it's probably late for him.

"Hey baby, what time is it for you" I asked and he looked at the clock.

"It's around 1:30, why"  he asked

"As much as I hate to, I think I should probably head to bed now" I answered. As much as I'd love to talk to him, I wanted him to go to bed and enjoy his trip.

"But I want to talk to you" he complained.

"I want to talk to you to but I also want you to enjoy your trip" I said softly. "I'll try calling tomorrow" Karl sighed and agreed. "I love you"

"I love you to and Night"

"Goodnight" I said and pressed end call. I laid down in my bed getting ready to sleep. Karl's cat grey hopped up and laid next to me. He's been at my house since Karl's in England and doesn't want to leave his cat alone.  I cuddle with the cat and feel myself drift off to sleep. I miss Karl but I'm glad he's having fun in England, although I can't wait for him to return.

I has returned again. I know I was meant to yesterday buttt I I forgot. Yesterday was my last day of school though so I have more time to write. Now I'll be able to write often but idk how often because guess what, I don't think I can call myself an introvert anymore. Like I went to school the last couple of days even though they weren't taking attendance just to hang out and talk to people and I've talked to so many new people these last few days. I can't believe in the beginning of the year I hardly spoke and now I'm talking to anyone who will listen to my rambling and I've gone from always wanting to be alone to getting irritated if I've gone a day without talking to someone. Now that y'all have listened to my rambling I'll end this authors note here. I love y'all and thank you for supporting me, seriously I know my writing has taken longer then before but I couldn't be happier with the support. To anyone who even just reads these just know, your an awesome person and I love you for that. Anytime I see a notification that someone voted, commented, added to reading list, of followed or when I check the story and see the reads go up it makes me so happy knowing people like what i started doing because I was bored. Like literally over 17K reads and 379 Votes. I never thought I'd get this much support, like honestly I thought I'd get a couple reads, I'd write for a few months, and then quit.. but here I am writing for idk how long and with 7 hours of writing on this story alone. I've been able to branch out to and write a book and now I'm writing two books for different ships. I won't say what they are yet incase I don't finish but the fact that I've gotten to the point that I can branch out like this is crazy. I should probably stop writing before I make this authors note longer then the actual oneshot sooooo, with that said you must have an amazing day/night 💚

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