Sleepover (High school AU) 3/3

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Genre: AU & Fluff
Status: Crushes
Word count: 1516
Warnings: None
Takes place: in a High school AU
*Note. This is a high school AU but it's not a love story between a bully & victim*
Chris- Senior 18
Jimmy- Senior 17
Karl- Junior 16
Chandler- Junior 16.
Maddy- Junior 17
Cara- Senior 17

The remainder of the week seemed to both take forever and went to quick. Both Karl and Chris were a bit nervous to say the least. They all had agreed to go to Jimmy's house around 8pm since it was huge. Also there plans changed slightly as Chandler and Cara were joining. They planned to watch movies and goof around but what Karl didn't know is by the end of the night Chris was going to ask him out. This was because he liked Karl but also because Maddy wouldn't stop annoying him about it.

Chris POV

We had all gotten here about two hours ago and we were playing Mario party. Well more like me, Jimmy, Chandler, and Karl were playing Mario party while Maddy and Cara watched talking about whatever it was teen girls talk about.

"I won losers" Karl yelled when the game ended. Karl got first, Jimmy had second I got third and Chandler lost.

"Unfair nerd" I said to Karl . "You only won because bowser was an asshole to me". Chandler and Jimmy were laughing at this and Maddy started recording on her phone.

"Oh don't be a soar looser" Karl said elbowing me. "Not my fault I'm better at games".

"Excuse me" I said pretending to be offended. "I am way better, bowser just didn't like me".

"Explain why I got first and you got third then" Karl defended. "And I won by a looooong shot to". Karl leaned on me. "You just suck".

"You take that back" I said. Karl then sad something he'd regret.

"Make. Me"..... so I did. If you didn't know Karl is very ticklish and conveniently he was leaning on me. I think you know what I did next....

Within two seconds I had Karl pinned and was tickling him. Everyone else was laughing and Maddy continued recording.

"S-s-stop" Karl said though laughs.

"Take it back then"


"Then no" I said and continued . He tried kicking me off but it wasn't working.

"Go Karl" Maddy said while cracking up and still recording.

"You can give that up, he's about as strong as a toothpick." Cara whispered to Maddy while laughing. (That's not supposed to be taken as mean btw).

"I don't care COME ON KARL" maddy yelled while Jimmy and Chandler seemed to die laughing.

"NO GO CHRIS" Cara yelled continuing some sort of battle she had with Maddy. I continued ticking Karl as he tried to kick me off.

"I-I'm going t-to P-ee" Karl said still though laughs as I continued.

"Take it back and I'll stop" I said laughing. Somehow karl managed to get a lucky kick and actually pushed me off of him making me stumble back a few feet.

"YAY KARL" Maddy yelled as Karl stood up confidently.

"I Did it" he yelled putting his arms up as I got up. He then paused for a second. "Now I gotta find the bathroom". And with that he bolted for the bathroom.

"He wasn't lying" Jimmy said when we all stopped laughing. I heard my phone bing and got a notification.

"Really Maddy" I said sitting back down next to Jimmy. "You really posted that".

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