'Chris'tmas wish 🎄

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Genre: fluff & angst. (Christmas special)
Word count:2580
Status: Crushes
Warnings: none
Takes place: before a video "$100,000 race around holidays" (made up video.) takes place on 12-15-22 (non American 15-12-22)

"Chris, I swear to god-" Karl shouted chasing after him. Chris had taken Karl's phone and was currently running through the snow while it was falling. He took Karl's phone since the last few days he's been constantly texting sapnap and anytime Chris asked, Karl got a bit worried and told him it was nothing. "-Give me my phone back"

"Not until you tell me what your doing" Chris shouted back, running past jimmy and Nolan, and into the ware house they were renting. Both boys just gave a 'I'm not surprised' look when they saw Karl running behind. Normally Karl was a bit faster then Chris but because they were currently in Canada and the snow was currently 6 inches deep and only getting deeper, it made it harder for Karl to run. He had no idea how Chris was able to run through the snow easily. Once Karl stumbled into the ware house (which was finished being set up and looked like a Christmas wonderland) he stopped to breath and looked around for Chris.

Karl POV

"Hey man, you ok" Chandler asked walking over to me. I was covered in snow and catching my breath.

"Yea, just-" I said and continued catching my breath "-Chris decided to-" and again. "-take my phone and-" I'm dying "-run off with it" by this point Bailey had also walked over and handed me a water. For the first time in my life I was glad the bottle was warm because I was cold. "Thanks". I said drinking basically the whole bottle.

"How'd Chris out run you" Bailey asked. "Thought you were faster".

"I am but in the snow he's faster" I said and asked. "how does he run better in the snow". They both shrugged. "Also do you all know where he went".

"No but I did see him run in here" Chandler said.

"I think he went that way" Bailey said pointing to the left. I nodded, thanked them and took off running that way. Now that we were inside, I'd be faster, but this ware house (especially with all the sets) made it a maze. The reason I don't want Chris to have my phone is because of what I've texted sapnap. Everyone in the office knows I'm pan but what no one knows is well, I have a huge crush on Chris. I have had one since I first met him over three years go, before I even joined the beast crew. The only one who knows is Nick and that because I needed to tell someone, but if Chris sees those texts he's going to know. Eventually I slowed down.

"Chris where are you, this isn't funny" I called walking between the sets. There were so many and I felt like I was in a maze. I continued looking around. I swear he's dead when I find him.

Chris POV

"Chris where are you, this isn't funny" I heard Karl faintly call from the distance. I was currently sitting on the couch in the break room of the ware house. I still had his phone (powered off) in my jacket pocket. Also I know what I'm doing seems mean but I'm not going to actually read what him and sapnap are texting, I was just bored. Yes I want to know what's wrong and why Karl won't tell me but it would just be wrong to read through his phone.

"Chris, where are you" I heard another call which was louder. I decided to get up and go next to the door so I could scare him.

"Are you in here" he said and opened the door. When he stepped in the room I jumped out and ticked him from behind. "AHHHH" he screamed and had his legs give out on him so he was sitting on my feet while I died laughing. "CHRIS"

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