Clumsy christmas 🎄

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Genre: fluff. (Christmas special)
Word count:1360
Status: Crushes
Warnings: none
Takes place: During "I put 1,000,000 Christmas lights on a house".

Chris POV

"I won nerd" Karl bragged while we were going to see Sean's new house, we were a good few feet away from everyone since we ran ahead. I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"Only because the lady didn't know what mr beast was". I said and shoved Karl a bit. I did it a bit to hard though because he fell and chose to take me down with him. We both fell in the grass and I ended up on top of him, with both of us looking flustered and red. We sat their for a moment. Eventually Karl spoke.

"C-can you get off me". He said having his voice crack halfway through. I snapped back and went to get up hoping no one saw this.

"Why are you on my brother" Sean asked sounding confused. I saw him and jimmy and guess they chose to also run ahead. I got up.

"You two can't even wait till you get home" Jimmy joked as I helped Karl up, both of us still being bright red.

"Shut up, and it was his fault" Karl said flustered and pointing at me.

"You kept bragging nerd" I defended also being flustered and saw a laughing jimmy and a confused Sean.

"I never win, let me feel accomplished" Karl said sarcastically.

"Always having second is close enough" I said sarcastically and got shoved by Karl. "Not strong enough". Karl squinted his eyes at me.

"Bet I'm faster though" he said confidently.

"Is that a bet" I said and took off running. Karl ran quickly behind me.

Karl POV

"Told you I was faster" I said sitting on the back of my car, still catching my breath. Chris was to.

"What's with you getting first all a sudden, thought you were forever second." He joked once we caught are breath. I laid my head on his shoulder and hoped he didn't notice my red face.

"Don't know, maybe I'm just getting better" i Said back and Chris nudged me. When he did I fell off my car and hit the floor. "Hey, what's with you pushing me today". I said as Chris hopped off the car to help me up.

"What's with you constantly falling" he said as he took my hand and pulled me up. When he did he managed to find a hole in the ground and fell backwards. Since he was still holding my hand I went down with him. Seriously what's with us falling on each other. I pushed myself up as he sat himself up and I realized I was maybe an inch away from his face, still on his lap. I looked at his eyes and went bright red and just stared. We stayed like that for a moment until I snapped out of it.

"Oh s-" I went to say and get up but Chris grabbed my arm and did something I both wanted and didn't expect. He kissed me. When we seperated we were both bright red and he was flustered.

"Sorry,I just-" he stuttered not knowing how to word it. I just sat their, dumbfounded. "I don't know why I did that, I-I'm sorry".

"You kissed me" I said looking at him. I held his hand and felt my heart skip a beat.

"Well, y-yea" he said looking away. I took a deep breath.

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