Parties (Collage Au)

461 11 2

Genre: Au & Fluff
Word count: 2164
Status: crushes. (More one sided)
Warnings: under aged drinking
Takes place: At Dreams house, during a party.
Chris- Junior- 21
Karl- Junior- 20
Jimmy- Sophomore- 20
Chandler- Sophomore- 19
Dream (clay)- Junior- 21
George- Senior- 22
Sapnap (Nick)- Junior- 21
Quackity (Alex) - Sophomore- 19

Karl POV

"How'd you two convince me to come here"  I asked as we got out the car. I was currently looking at a house full of people and had loud music blasting.

"Because you love us" Nick said and noticed I didn't look exited. Alex had already started walking to the house.

"Hurry up idiots, I want to get shit faced" he yelled.

"We'll be a minute, go have fun". Nick yelled back and Alex gave him a thumbs up.

"Ok but hurry before I hook up with someone else" he yelled/joked. Nick rolled his eyes and looked back at me. Alex had already gone inside.

"Are you feeling ok" he asked me and I shrugged.

"I'm not a fan of parties" I said and Nick nodded. I like talking to people and drinking but at parties people take it overboard and hook up a ton.

"Only drink as much as you want and have fun, you don't need to get drunk to have a good time". Nick said. "And clay has a cat and is letting us downstairs so if it gets to be to much and you can head down there". We started walking to the house.

"Yea I guess your right" I said still skeptic. Nick thought of something.

"I heard Chris Tysons here, maybe you can hit on him" Nick joked and I blushed. I didn't know Chris that well but a few of my friends knew him and he's a really funny and sweet guy so I formed a crush in him and can hardly talk to him. Maybe alcohol will fix that problem....

"And You've convinced me" I say as we walked in. There were people dancing, taking, drinking, some making out, and people just doing whatever. Clay walked over once he saw us.

"Hey guys, welcome to the party" Clay said excitedly and surprisingly wasn't drunk yet. "Drinks are in the kitchen and the basement is off limits except for you two, Alex, George, Jimmy, Chandler, and Chris. Also my room is off limits since patches is in there". He explained and looked at me. "If you want to see patches though, you can". I looked a bit confused but he explained. "Alex told me you weren't super big on parties and I know you like cats".

"Thanks, I'll probably end up there at some point" I joked, looking at the party. So far it wasn't that bad but I knew eventually it would escalate.

"I'm surprised you aren't drunk yet" Nick joked as we followed clay into the kitchen.

"I was waiting for you idiots to show up before I got shit faced" Clay said back. "And it's not like I haven't had a few drinks already".

"Wouldn't put that past you" Nick said sarcastically as we walked into the kitchen. There was a bowl of punch and some bottles of alcohol on the table along with some bags of chips. When we walked over I saw Alex and George drinking with some people around them.

"Oh forgot to tell you, Alex and George are trying to out drink each other". Clay said gesturing to him and nicks boyfriends as I got a cup of punch. "People are making bets on who will win".

"I'm guessing most are betting for Alex" I asked looking at the two and took a drink. Just by look it seems like Alex could out drink George easily but in reality, George has a pretty good tolerance.

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