↳ 🔥 nonbinary || nb!reader 🌺🌺

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requested by LazyPeiceOfShet

y/n's pov~

I was feeling so crappy lately. I had recently realized something very important about my identity and it was so scary. I didn't know how I would be able to tell anyone I knew. I realized that neither of the genders' pronouns fit me. I really liked it/its though. They made me feel comfy and warm inside. When I actually found myself I was happy because I had finally figured out all the confusion I had, but realizing that I had to come out in order to actually feel good about myself was so intimidating. Now I decided I was a little bit ready. I decided to come out to one of the closest people to me, my boyfriend Tommy.

So when I went to his house for a vlog, I asked him if I could talk to him before we started filming. He was kind of surprised when he realized I was being serious and not making a joke.

When we sat down on his bed he immediately asked, "What's this all about?"

"Okay so I need to say something but it's very personal and please keep it to yourself..." He nodded. "So I'm not a girl or a boy. I'm nonbinary and I use it/its pronouns. It's been really hard to keep it in but I just wasn't ready when I first found myself."

"Oh thank you so much for trusting me enough to come out," he smiled. I sighed with relief. "I will most definitely keep that in mind. Would you like me to refer to you that way during the vlog today?"

"That's a bit complicated, as much as I would love to not be misgendered, I'm not sure I'm ready to come out to anyone else yet."

"That's okay. Just please tell me when you're ready so we can switch all the stupids she's for the lovely it's."

Wow he has an amazingly hilarious way of comforting people.

youtuber x reader - oneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora