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Yuki Uchiha-Uzumaki

Yuki walked into his mothers room like every morning but what he didn't expect was to see his father in the same bed.

Sasukes arm was wrapped Narutos waist while Naruto slept on the other one. Sasuke was shirtless while Naruto wore his long sleeve sloppily.

Yuki tilted his head and climbed under the covers, snuggling under Narutos arm.
He laid there, taking in the warmth of both of his parents. Slowly Yukis eyes started to become heavy from both of their comforting scents.. then.. he was out.

Yuki felt movement and scrunched his nose in disapproval.

"Mm. Stop moving." "Kitten it's 11." "... and?" Yuki felt his mother's breath deeply exhale. "I have to go to the studio." "... just a little longer.. you can go tomorrow if it becomes to late."
Sasuke sighed and laid back down snuggling into Narutos marked neck.

"... I want sex." "Our child is here." "But I'm horny." "Hold it in for a little bit." "Weren't you the one begging yesterday?" "Handsome I'd say yes if our child wasn't under my hold right now." "When'd he get here anyways?" "He usually wakes me up for breakfast... Yuki probably wanted to lay with us for a... mm. Little bit." "Well you both have been out for forever." "Shh. Sleep with me." "Gladly." "Close your eyes fucking pervert." "Shh. I'm only that way with you."
Sasuke kissed Narutos neck.
"... can I fuck you like this?" "No." Sasuke sighed and laid down.

Yuki felt Narutos hand run through his hair as his bottom arm wrapped around his body.

"... Mama.. Yu-yu hungry." "Yeah so is dada." "Babe your hungry for something else." "Doesn't mean I'm not hungry."
Naruto sighed and rolled off of the bed, picking Yuki up.

"Nice shirt." "Get out of bed before I kick you out." "That's rude to say.." Sasuke smirked. "Especially to your alpha."
Naruto sighed and kissed him before walking out.

".. Mama why was Dada in you room?" "Dada and mama aren't mad at each other that's why." "That's a shocker."

Naruto looked up to see everyone sitting in the living room.

"Shut up." "Did you clear everything out with sex?" "... No we fought then got to the good part." Naruto smirked. "Kinky bastard." "What do you mean by that?" "Well your wrists and ankles say it all."
Naruto blushed.
"Shut up." "No it's good to know your not vanilla." Naruto flipped them off and put a small fruit salad in front of Yuki. "Thankx." "Of course." Naruto kissed the top of Yukis head.

"Right here."
Naruto turned and kissed Sasukes lips.

"Mm. Put more into it will ya?" Sasuke gripped Narutos ass. "Not in front of everyone." "Oh no we're just the audience, please continue." Naruto blushed while Sasuke smirked.
"I'd fuck him if it weren't for Yuki being here." "That's the only reason!" Naruto hissed. "Well I wanted morning sex but Yuki was there so.. yes." Naruto hid his face.
"Fucking bastard." "Well I did what you wanted last night so I think it's only fitting." "Naruto wanted to use rope?" Sasuke smirked. "No that was me.. Naruto wanted-." "Please stop talking." Sasuke took Narutos hand off of his mouth and kissed him.
"A vibrator up your ass while you sucked my cock. I think we should use handcuffs next time no?" Sasuke whispered. Naruto blushed. "... yeah." Sasuke smirked. "I love how adventurous you are."

Sasuke turned Naruto around and hugged him from behind, leading him to the fridge.

"Ok fudge and marshmallows or honey?" "Sasuke!" "What? I'd like to eat off of you one time."
".... Marshmallows and fudge." Sasuke smirked. "Bet it'll taste delicious." Sasuke licked Narutos ear before opening the fridge.

Yuki stared at his parents.
He was wondering why his mother was so red. Was his father being mean again?

"Mama ok?" Sasuke smirked. "Your fathers being a meanie."
Yuki smiled and giggled.
"Dada nice." "No a butt." Sasukes hand connected with Narutos ass before he gripped it. "Daddy likes kittens ass." "Stop it~." "Mm.. no." Naruto pouted and Sasuke kissed him.

"Is this how they were in high school?" "Suigestu you were there." "Yeah but I never saw them so.." "That's because they weren't really official back then." "And they are now?" "Yes."
Karin nodded.
"Do you think they'll get married before us?" "No. Planning a wedding is really complicated." "No it isn't."

They looked at Naruto.

"Well not if you have some connections." Naruto smirked. "No getting married before us!" Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Marriage is a piece of paper." "Well not all of us have a mark to prove something." "Karin your an Uzumaki." "Yeah not all of us have a mark." Karin pointed at Suigestu. "Really?.. I bit Sasuke." "It's true he did." Sasuke sighed. "Yes we can see the marks... but some of us aren't as kinky as you two."

"Kinky?" Naruto picked up the confused toddler. "Weird." Yuki nodded. Karin smirked. "Yeah... weird." Naruto rolled his eyes.

Yuki looked at his father who had folded arms. He looked at his mother who looked down.

"Dada." He whispered.
Naruto hummed and bumped hips with Sasuke. He hummed but didn't expect for Yuki to be put in his arms.

"I have lunch to make, dada." Sasuke leaned down to Narutos ear. "Why does that sound so hot when you say it?" Naruto flushed and Sasuke smirked. "Shut up and focus on your son."

Naruto grumbled as he walked away. Yuki tilted his head.

Sasuke sat in one of the chairs with Yuki in between his legs.

"It's weird seeing you with a little child." Sasuke flipped Suigestu off. Suigestu chuckled. "I'm just saying man." "Fuck off Suigestu."
"Not good word Dada." Karin smirked. "Yeah that's not a good word Sasuke." "Shut up Karin." Yuki messed with Sasukes pants and looked at his car that was on the coffee table.

"Here." Yukis eyes sparkled and took the toy from Sasukes grip. "Thankx." "Mhm."

"Lunch awkward people in my living room!" "We're not awkward!" "Mhm."

Sasuke picked Yuki up and put him over his shoulder.
Yuki giggled and Naruto looked at him dumbfounded. Sasuke shrugged and Naruto sighed.

"Yuki are you ok?" "Mhm!" Yuki smiled.
Sasuke put him in his seat and sat down.

"Why over your shoulder?" "That's how I carry you." "We're not talking about how you carry me! Oh my god."
Sasuke smirked and looked at Narutos ass while he set Yuki up.

"Ear then car." Yuki puffed his cheeks and stared at his car toy that was right in front of him.
"Mama meanie." "Yes he is a meanie." Naruto rolled his eyes and sat Sasukes food down.
"Fine. Sleep on the couch." Sasuke looked at Naruto in disbelief. "Now I'm a meanie." Naruto stuck his tongue out and Sasuke rolled his eyes.

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