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"Close your, close your, close your eyes

No more broken hearts"


"I knew this was a shit plan," Katherine muttered as she crawled on the post next to Bellamy, staring into the treeline with a focused expression on her face.

Right before Bellamy and Jasper had wanted to leave to search for Clarke, Finn and Monty, the first two had shown up at the gate, with the very urgent message that the enemy was right on their heels. There was still no trace of Monty and Katherine didn't have a good feeling about it, but she had enough other things on her mind to push away the feeling of grief for yet another special person in her life.

Clarke and Finn had filled the minds of the hundred, or eighty-two as of then, eighty-one now, with images of the sea and the beach and not a single enemy in sight, which they thought would be the easy way out. The disc that had split Drew's face in two pieces in the middle of the forest on their way to their utopia had woken them up good. All of them had run back to camp and back to square one at the same time.

"Yeah well, if the princess got something on her mind, it's gotten happen her way," Bellamy replied, holding up his rifle and staring through the scoop. "I don't see any of them, where are they?"

"It's just the scouts," Clarke said. She was standing right underneath them, staring at them with a slightly less determined expression on her face than moments before, when she'd given one of her awful speeches again. It had left Katherine standing on edge ever since. "Lincoln said they would arrive first."

"If it's just scouts we can fight our way out," Octavia joined in on the conversation, showing the determination Clarke was obviously lacking. "It's what Lincoln would do."

"We're done doing what that grounder would do," Bellamy said, jumping off the crate. Katherine followed his example a little bit more carefully. She didn't want to get mixed up in the argument, knowing full well that she was siding with Bellamy on this one, instead of his sister, which she usually did. "We tried it and now Drew is dead. You want to be next?"

"That grounder saved our lives," Finn now joined in too. Katherine still hadn't forgotten his behaviour at the bridge during the negotiation and the way he'd yelled at her and blamed her afterwards and she didn't like the way he was holding himself right now. "For all we know there's only one scout."

"From what I understood from Clarke's words is that there would be scouts, as in plural," Katherine snapped, not being able to contain her annoyance. She'd known their poor attempt at flight would end drastically and she had a feeling that a second attempt would be even further past hope. "Scouts with an insanely good aim at that. There's no use in trying to flee now, not when one scout can probably take out ten of us."

"Looking to you, princess," Bellamy said, turning to Clarke. The said girl obviously was doubting more and more with the second, the frown forming on her face doing it no justice. "What's it gonna be? Run and get picked off out in the open, or stand and fight back?"

Clarke seemed to hesitate for a sweet moment, which annoyed Katherine even more than the presence of Finn. The last thing people needed now was even more confusion as to where their leaders were standing. They needed to know what to expect and they needed to know fast. "Lincoln said "scouts." More than one. He said, "get home before the scouts arrive." Finn, they're already here," she finally said, before turning to Bellamy. "Looks like you've got your fight."

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