Chapter 22 Follow Your Moral Compass

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The five siblings entered the control room once they arrived at the Mothership. Seth led the way, he sat on the commander's chair. The oversized metal chair faced the 5.1-meter tall windscreen, whose colorless body absorbed the dark black ooze of outer space.

The four stood behind his chair and marveled at the enormous cockpit, their eyes trolling around, sending messages to their brains, which hardly digested the scenery around them. As they did that, the wounds on Sam and Dan's facial features had healed. The control room was occupied by many of his subordinates who worked remotely on the control panels. 

Seth then raised his arm above the armrest, which consisted of six buttons. He pressed a button situated on the bottom left. Instantly, the chair rotated, completing a 180-degree angle. Dan crossed his arms and opened his mouth, "Now that we have accepted your proposal, what's next?"

 He smirked once more and tapped his middle and forefingers on the brim of the handle, "Retribution." 

Diana excrements her right brow. "We already know that. Don't you have a strategy because we can't take on an entire fleet ourselves?" 

He leaned back on the chair and replied to her inquiry. "And that's where you are wrong, my dear sister. " 

Dan stroked his chin, and he asked, "Then how?"

 "We are the strongest beings in the entire universe," Seth said, but he was interrupted by a chuckle.

"Strongest my ass," one of them retorted after chuckling.

Diana looked at Dan; the latter shook his head. She then turned her attention to Harrison, and he shook his head. And finally, her eyes rested on Sam, whose grin widened bigger than a hyena's. 

In response, Seth sighed but continued, "We can destroy Codex effortlessly due to our activated primordial genes. These genes make our power virtually limitless, and we can...."

 "I have a plan," Sam said, interrupting while he was speaking.

Seth smirked. Intrigued, he asked, "You inherited our father's intellect. What's your plan?"

 "How about you kiss my ass?" Sam replied in a witty tongue. Seth exhaled sharply and asked, "Brother, when will you accept the sad truth, that you are not a pesky earthling?"

"I'd rather be an earthling than a Codexian," Sam replied.

 "You're a fool!" Seth yelled in anger, which triggered his eyes to ignite in a red fiery glow. Sam said, "Watashi wa anata no orokamonode wa arimasen."

Seth stood up and approached Sam closely and cautiously. As he continued walking, he inquired, "Why do you love this world so much? A world that divided us? This world is inferior to Codex. It should be ruled!"

Sam raised his voice at him, his skin turning red, testifying of the anger boiling within, "No!!! Says who? You? Nah, nah, nah, no one decides that they can rule this planet!"

His anger stemmed from Seth's narcissistic views about his adoptive home planet. Who was he to think that he was superior just because he had supernatural powers? Although that was the case, he didn't have the right to subject a planet that did him no harm to his deluded fantasies whenever he wanted.

Seth furrowed his brows and hissed. His fists were laced with a clump of veins. With each beat, they translated his increasing heart pulse.  It's almost as if his anger made his silent heartbeat audible without him having to exert himself forcefully and cover his ears to hear it. 

Then he fired his heat-vision at Sam, who collided against the nearest wall. What remained of the latter's suit, a white shirt, was partially burnt. Sam tried getting up, but for some reason, he couldn't. His battle with Dan took a heavy toll on him. He looked up and saw Diana's hand being directed to him.

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