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She could feel how someone is watching them, but feeling safe where she is right now, she doesn't move. She does have a feeling about who the person can be and she's quite surprised it had taken them this long to show up. With everything that has been going on lately, she would have thought their appearance should have happened a lot earlier. Feeling how Maria starts to move beside her, Skye decides to keep still and let the other woman deal with the person.

"Fury? What? Why?"

She hears Maria ask, and she can hear the tiredness in her voice. If there is one thing Skye is absolutely sure about is that the woman right beside her isn't a morning person and she's quite sure that if had been anyone else, Maria would have cut their heads off. But since the man standing beside her bed is her old boss, Skye knows that there is no way Maria would dear to pull any weird stunts.

"Well, this isn't what I would have expected to see."

Skye can hear Fury comment and she rolls her eyes, moving slightly so she can hide her head closer into Maria. Feeling how Maria pulls her slightly closer at this, she can also feel how the other woman tries to sit up and at the same time trying not to wake her up.

"What are you doing here Fury, last I head from you, you were enjoying being dead. So why are you here now?"

Maria asks and Skye can hear how she's trying to keep herself together.

"Here to check on the traitors."

She can hear Fury comment and this makes Skye open her eyes. Moving her head to look at Fury, she let's her eyes narrows slightly.

"Bobbi and Mack?"

She asks and she can see a hint of surprise in Fury's eye and from the corner of her eyes she can see the same surprise in Maria's. She can also see that the surprise in her eyes is about her being awake and the fact that she knows who Fury is talking about. Taking in a deep breath, Skye moves to sit up properly on her bed beside Maria, her eyes still on Fury.

"Please, I'm the one that created the new system that is running this base. Of course, I will realize and get a warning when someone is doing some shady stuff. With the amount of secret meetings Bobbi and Mack have been having, not to mention the used of unregister devices is a big give away."

She explains to the two former leaders of the organization and she can see how Maria and Fury looks at one another.

"What is your name again?"

Fury then asks and Skye rolls her eyes, she knows by a fact that the man in front of her knows fully well what her name is, he had been the one that told Coulson she was trouble after all.

"If you knew this Skye, then why haven't you said anything?"

Maria asks and she turns her attention towards the other woman.

"Because I kind of want to know how far they will go and to see if they slip up enough for me to figure out who they are working for. All I know is that they aren't working for HYDRA at least."

She explains and she can see how Fury nods his head at this.

"Robert Gonzales and a few other agents that was with him on the Iliad, Agent Morse and Mackenzie being among those people."

Fury explains and Skye can see how Maria's eyes grows big.


She asks and Skye can hear that she has a hard time believing what she is hearing. Having a feeling that the person they are talking about used to be a high-level agent, Skye rolls her eyes. Turning her head to the side she checks the time and realizes it's no use to kick the former director out of her bunk so that they can fall asleep once more.

"Alright, how about you just hang around here for now. The faster Leo can take those tests and send to Dr Strange, the faster we can take care of the whole Gonzales thing before it becomes a big problem. I presume this Gonzales agent believes in the lie that you are dead right"

Skye starts to say, rising from the bed and turns her attention back to Fury. She can see the surprise in his eye once more. Seeing how he nod his head, Skye takes in a deep breath.

"Then you really should be staying here until the time comes to expose them."

"How are you planning on doing that?"

She can hear a hint of worry in Maria's voice, making Skye regret what she's about to say next.

"I guess I should just come clean about what else happened yesterday."

She says and she can see the complete surprise look in Marias eyes, when they had been talking the other night before falling asleep, one of the conversations had been if she was going to let the rest of the team know what is going on or not. And last, they have agreed on was to keep it quiet until they have all calmed down enough to think properly.

"Are you really sure about this?"

"No, but since Fury thinks now is a good time to take care of this problem, I'm guessing we need to do it."

Skye answer and she can see the worry in Maria's eyes before she turns her attention to Fury one last time.

"Because I hope you have a good reason as to why you have come here and want to deal with the whole Gonzales problem right?"

She asks him and narrows her eyes. Seeing how the older man nods his head, taking a deep breath, Skye pushes herself of her bed.

"Good, now I better be down in the lab when Leo wakes up and the faster, I can get these tests done the quicker I can forget about it all."

She says, walking past Fury and heading for the stairs. 

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