Poison: DreamBerry Part 1

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Nightmare and Dream were the rulers of a kingdom called Nelvana. Dream Nightmare ruled together as siblings. The rest of the Star Sanses and The Gang were their knights. Today was the Festival of Meruvia, the holiday representing the kingdom's alliances. But, one man t'was not their ally. He wanted to take control of Nelvana, for it was rich in land. Today was the day that Prince Navian of Kellia would strike. He would poison Nightmare. Kellia was one of the strongest alliances and would never try anything, but Prince Navian hated them. The grand feast began at 6:00 o'clock. But until then, the indomitable was jittering with excitement on what they should wear.


"Done!" Ink shouted, backing away from his masterpiece.

Dream walked in front of a mirror and awed at his clothes.

"Ink, this is so beautiful!" Dream ran to Ink and hugged him tight.

"I'm glad you like it, your highness." Ink responded.

"C'mon Ink, you're one of my best friends. Just call me Dream." He laughed.

"Fine. A certain lover boy is waiting for you." Ink smirked.

Dream's face turned a shade of gold before quickly heading out the door. He came upon the stairs as Ink walked down before him. He slowly made his way down the stairs and elegantly stood beside Nightmare. Nightmare smiled warmly at his brother's excitement.

"You look great brother." Nightmare said, hugging Dream tightly.

"Thanks! You look great too." Dream responded

Their knights stood beside them, talking with one another. Blue stood beside Ink. Ink noticed Blue kept glancing back at Dream, a small blue blush slowly creeping onto his face. Ink simply smirked and rolled his eyes. Soon, people from all over flooded through the castle gates. The feast was about to begin. Dream hummed quietly as he greeted guests. As he was talking with a guest, he saw Prince Navian sneak off with Nightmare's chalice. He excused himself and followed silently behind. He found Navian in the kitchen as he silently watched from the doorway. Navian pulled out a smaller vial and poured it into Nightmare's chalice. Navian laughed quietly and started to turn around. Dream quickly teleported back to the ballroom.

"Where did you go?" Error asked.

"Oh, I went to the... Gates! I went to the gates to greet more guests!" Dream smiled.

Error nodded and walked off. Dream didn't know what to do. If he told the knights they'd kill Navian for what seemed to be no reason. If he told Nightmare, he'd do the same and their kingdoms would be at war. Dream decided he would just drink it himself. He sighed nervously as the feast began. He quietly sat next to Nightmare and Blue. He slowly ate the food as he chatted with Blue.

"Oh!" Dream exclaimed.

Blue raised a bonebrow. Dream leaned forward and licked a small drop of wine off of Blue's face. Blue became a blushing mess as he started to stutter. Dream giggled, feeling a blush form on his own face.

"You had some wine on your face." Dream managed to giggle.

But his laughter soon grew quiet as the Royal Chalices were brought in. They were set in front of him and Nightmare. He spotted Navian smirking with anticipation. Dream knew this was his last chance. As Nightmare reached for the chalice, Dream stood up quickly. He grabbed the chalice from his brother.

"I'm sorry..." He said before he drank from the poisoned chalice...

Sorry for the cliffhanger, next part will come tonight!! So stick around! Hope you have a great day! Bye my droplets!

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