Keep friends close but keep your enemies closer 2

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Sorry I haven't been able to post in so long! I've had tons of homework and a few chorus concerts. Here is part two of Dream x The Bad Sanses. I'm currently working on Hate Dream AU Part 2. I hope you enjoy! 

Dream awoke to a pattering against his windows. He slowly shifted in his bed, his head aching. He leaned up, looking around his room. He sighed as he slowly got out of bed. He walked to the balcony and leaned on the edge. The knights stood in the garden. A certain pair was having time together while the others remained in a small group. Killer and Cross were in a pair. Lust stood with Horror and Error, talking. Dust had a happy Horror leaning on his shoulder. Lust noticed him and waved. Dream blushed a bit and waved back calmly. Error made a "come here" motion with his hands. Dream nodded and hurried back into his room. He put on the golden suit and peaked outside of his door. Nightmare stood there about to knock on the door. Dream slowly opened it and looked at the ground. Nightmare walked in and shut the door behind him. He slowly walked around Dream, circling him like a shark. He kept a neutral face as he felt Dream's heartbeat quicken. He stopped behind Dream, watching him shake slightly. Nightmare soon came back around and faced Dream. Nightmare simply stared into Dream's eyelights, boring holes into his eyes. Dream's eyes had a small glazed expression as a few golden tears stained his face. He laid his hand on Dream's neck and slowly scraped deep scars into the bone. Dream whimpered at the sudden pain. Nightmare let go and simply left the room. Dream stood there for what seemed like hours trying to process what had happened. He soon shook it off and looked out of the balcony. The others were still down there waiting for him. He didn't want to risk running into Nightmare again. He looked down and realized the drop wasn't that far. He sighed knowing it would kill his back. He slowly climbed over the railing and stood on the edge of the pearly white balcony. He flipped off the balcony to the ground. He stood for a second, letting the back pain subside. He walked on and soon met up with Horror, Error, and Lust.

"There you are darling!" Lust exclaimed, taking Dream's hands.

Error gave him a smile while Horror acted like a giant puppy. Dream smiled back at them. He pulled the collar of his outfit further up to hide the bleeding bite mark on his neck. By that time the others had come over ready to continue the rest of the tour. Blood started to seep through the yellow fabric, luckily Dream noticed before anyone else did. He quickly put his hand up to the blood stain. The others noticed his quick move, cocking several bone-brows

"You alright?" Lust asked.

"I'm fine!" Dream lied, smiling.

The others exchanged glances, but shrugged it off.

"Well, shall we continue the tour?" Error asked?

"Of course!" Dream smiled, his hand still on his neck.

They led him out of the garden, walking down the dark halls. They showed him various rooms. Staff quarters, eating quarters, and training gyms. They came upon a set of stairs leading down. Dream stopped, breathing slightly at the aching pain all over his body. He still hadn't taken his hand away from his neck. The others stopped, looking back for Dream. He looked back up, smiling and walking back up to them.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Cross asked, laying a hand on Dream's.

Dream simply nodded.

"Heads up. From now on, down these stairs, there's gonna be many staff members." Error said, looking down the stairs.

"The staff tend to spread rumors, especially with new guests. So, stay behind us." Cross said, heading down the stairs.

They formed a bit of a circle around him as they descended the large staircase. When they made it to the bottom, the halls were slightly crowded with small groups of staff hurrying to different places. When they saw the knights, they bowed and the air filled with small greetings like 'hello sirs' or 'good morning sirs'. The knights greeted them back. They noticed Dream and got rather quiet.

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