Poison: DreamBerry Part 3

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Sorry it took so long, but here it is! Enjoy!

"Tell me, any way there is to save him, I'll do it!" Blue yelled, bolting from his seat.

The others heard how determined he sounded. The white robed skeleton sighed.

"The only thing that can counteract Enrik is the Amdoneous flower. It's found in the crystal caves of Nelvana. It's guarded by malvians, creatures of flight and fire."

There was silence for a moment before Blue rushed to the door and ran to the front gates. He prepared his horse and set off.


"He's burning..." Ink replied, dabbing a wet cloth to Dream's forehead.

"Keep his forehead cool, it'll help elevate his breathing." Sci said, stopping suddenly.

Dream's hand was slowly turning black. A small part of his hand turned to ash and fell to the ground.

"Ink step away!" Sci shouted.

Sci rushed to Dream's side as a panicked Ink stepped back.

"It can't be..." Sci said.

The others stood quickly noticing Dream's hand.

"What's happening to him?!" Nightmare yelled.

"Enrik only deals a slow painful death, it takes 32 hours for it to kill. No, the Enrik was infused with Tigri, a small flower that's used to burn from the inside out. Enrik was infused with Tigri to quicken the process..." Sci said.

"How long does he have now?!" Nightmare asked.

"...9 hours, sire..."


Blue sped across the fields of flowers on his horse Justice, named after the SOUL. Tears slid down his face but quickly blew off in the fast coming wind. The blue droplets fell on the ground, making a small trail of blue sparkles. He shut his eyes.


"C'mon silly!" Dream shouted, running through the field of flowers.

Blue smiled as Dream ran through the tall golden grass. He grabbed Blue and fell down, rolling down the hill. Blue and Dream found themselves laughing. When they opened their eyes, their faces were nearly touching. The laughing stopped as a blush grew on both of their faces. The sun had finally started to set as the sky grew into a pink and orange mix of colors. Dream pushed his flower crown up because it slid down when they fell. They looked at each other before Dream laid a hand on Blue's face. Dream smiled warmly and came closer to his face. His golden eyes shone like stars as he closed his eyes and kissed Blue. Blue was surprised at first but soon leaned into the kiss. They broke it after a while and put their foreheads together.

"I love you my king." Dream said.



He couldn't bare to lose his sunshine, his queen... his everything. Filled with determination, his SOUL beat faster, leaving a trail of red as he rode...

Sorry it's short. Next part coming soon. Have a great day or evening and I'll see you soon. Bye my droplets!

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