Just Call My Name

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I'm so sorry this took so long! But I hope you do enjoy. It is based off the trend 'Call My Name' (which is rather popular currently), so I though I'd try to write it. I hope yo enjoy!

"I can't believe you're the guardian of positivity. You're so weak and naive."

Dream laid on the ground in a pool of his own blood. He laid there, scolding himself for wallowing in self pity. They were all right, he was weak and naive, stupid too. Maybe he deserved all of this for letting his brother down. Dream tried propping himself up, his bones cracking and breaking from his singular movement. Maybe this was it, this was his time. He closed his eyes, and suddenly, he remembered something


Dream laid against the tree in a small ball. He tried his best to hold back tears, staining his gloves with red from the gash on his head. He wasn't strong enough, he never was. Everyone knew, even he himself had little faith in his capabilities. A gentle call broke the ever growing silence.

"Dream? Dream, where are you?" Nightmare asked.

The purple clothed skeleton looked around the hill that was his home. He paused when he heard whimpering. He slowly walked around to the back of the tree. He found Dream crying in a small ball. Nightmare was startled to say the least as he ran and knelt by his brother's side.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Dream looked up at him, his gash fully showing to Nightmare as blood flowed down his cheekbone. His eyes were washed by tears. Nightmare's eyes widened as he wiped blood off Dream's face.

"Dream, what happened?" He asked.

"S-some of the villagers, they h-hurt me because I d-didn't give them enough p-positivity.." he stammered.

Nightmare's eyes flared with hatred at the thought of villagers hurting him. He pulled out some bandages from his coat and started bandaging him up. Dream stayed quiet and sniffled, trying not to show his weakness. Nightmare finished and laid his hands on Dream's shoulders as he looked him in the eyes.

"Nightmare.." Dream asked.

"Yes?" He responded.

"Why am I so weak?"

"..." Nightmare couldn't reply.

"I'm not strong enough to protect myself. I'm weak and I let them get to me..they're all right..I am just a weak child.." Dream said, looking away.

As much as Nightmare hated how everyone loved Dream, he realized what a facade he had to hold up. The villagers showered him in gifts, but behind closed doors, he was shunned as much as Nightmare. He looked back at Dream and pulled him into a hug.

"You're not weak, Dream. You're burnt out. You do a lot to keep people happy, and when it doesn't work, you just get hurt. You are a strong fighter, I know that. But you've been keeping up such a facade, you're losing yourself." Nightmare said.

Dream sniffled, letting the reality of Nightmare's words sink in. He squeezed his brother back, knowing what Nightmare said was true. Nightmare smiled as he pulled away, wiping Dream's tears. He leaned into Nightmare's touch smiling too.

"Listen, if you're ever in trouble, and you know you can't win on your own, just call my name. I'll be there to protect you."

"R-really?" Dream asked.

"Of course.."


Dream opened his eyes. Would his brother really show up? He had no other choice. He tried his best to prop himself up.

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