Then I'll Do It

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Here's a small short story I came up with. Sorry for not posting, school has been crazy. Updates will be slow, but I will post when I can. Also, let me know if you'd like me to make an AU out of this and write more parts to this! Enjoy!

"Give up Dream.." Nightmare said as he stood before the guardian.

Dream looked at him, panting heavily. This current fight was completely between the twins. The chaos of their teammates fighting roared in the background. Dream was tired. Tired of fighting. Tired of trying. Tired of living. He knew what his brother wanted. He threw his staff to the ground and looked back at the other guardian. Nightmare looked back and held his hand out. The others stopped fighting and watched.

"Tired already?" Nightmare asked in a mocking tone.

"You're right, I am tired. Tired of this." He said, giving a look of disdain.

"Aww, is little brother sad?" Nightmare asked.

Dream walked towards him until he stood before the negative guardian. He looked up at him before reaching a hand behind his back taking his cape off. Nightmare looked at him with a questionable expression. Yet he still held his sadistic smirk. They stared each other in the eyes for what seemed like eternity. Dream took the cape and tore it straight down the middle. Nightmare watched with wide eyes as the two pieces of cloth fell to the ground.


Dream shook at the sound of the rumbling thunder. His brother laid next to him, propped up on the sacred tree. A flash of lightning struck nearby, causing Dream to squeak in fear. Nightmare awoke with a yawn and looked at his brother. He frowned, sad to see his brother so scared. He looked around for any way to help comfort him. He then looked up and saw the yellow blanket wrapped around the tree. He gently took it down and laid it over his brother. Dream looked up at him and smiled through bright golden tears. Nightmare pulled him onto his lap and gently rocked him back and forth. Dream soon fell asleep, as did Nightmare when he decided Dream was okay. Ever since that day, Dream never took the blanket off, fully making it a part of his costume. If never got torn, Dream made sure. The one gift his brother gave him became his  sacred treasure.


"Y-you.." Nightmare could barely speak.

Dream had snapped.

"I'm done Nightmare..I give up." He summoned his soul and held it out to his brother.

"You win." Dream said with little emotion as he dropped the golden apple into Nightmare's hand.

Nightmare couldn't believe it. He wouldn't. He flinched and dropped it like a small child dropping a bug they were afraid of. Dream stood seemingly disappointed.

"Do it, kill me."

"W-what..?" Nightmare asked, backing away.

"Oh don't tell me you're a chicken.." Dream said, "finish what you started. Kill me along with all positivity. I won't fight, I give up. You win.."

Nightmare couldn't even look his brother in the eye.

"You refuse?" Dream asked.

Nightmare didn't respond.

"Fine..if you won't, then I'll do it.."

Dream stepped forward and summoned one of his daggers. He kept eye contact with Nightmare as he threw the dagger down straight through his soul. His head cracked immediately and his body started to dust. Nightmare could only watch. In mere seconds, Dream was nothing but a pile of golden dust. No one could believe what just happened. The silence ate at Nightmare as he stared at the ripped cape and golden dust. What had he done..


"Nightmare, breakfast is ready!" Killer yelled from the kitchen.

Nightmare looked at the door, trying to decide whether or not he should go downstairs. He sighed as he rose from his desk and set his pencil down. He looked at a small shelf that was positioned beside a window. On it lay a stitched up yellow cape and a jar of golden dust. Nightmare silently left his room and walked past the kitchen where he heard his teammates happily eating together. He walked to a throne room and simply looked at the banner on the wall. The design was a crescent moon with sun beams coming out of it. He turned back and walked into the kitchen. He was greeted with "good morning boss" and "come eat with us". He smiled and sat down as he watched Killer and Dust argue over a trivial matter. Positivity radiated from the group, and he took it in. The negativity guardian was no more. A balance must be kept. Nightmare was no longer the guardian of negativity. He was the guardian of balance.

I hope you enjoyed! Remember to leave a comment if you want me to continue this au! Have a wonderful day, afternoon, or evening! Cya soon my droplets! 

-River <3

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