Poison: DreamBerry Part 2

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At first, he only felt a tingling sensation. Then, the real pain began. His SOUL started to ache. He dropped the chalice on the stone floor. Tears started to pour from his eyes as blood dripped from his mouth. Nightmare and the knights stood up as numerous guests gasped.

"Dream, what's wrong?!" Nightmare yelled rushing to his brother's side. Dream started to cough up blood.

He struggled to spit out any words at all. He felt his energy fade quickly as he started to fall backwards. He waited for the hit of the cold stone floor, but it never came. Nightmare had caught him in his arms. The golden color of Dream's eyes started to fade. Nightmare felt his head; burning. Dream passed out, but a small golden glow came from inside his chest. Nightmare rolled his shirt up to see Dream's slowly beating SOUL. It had lost quite a lot of color and the normal Big Apple it used to be had turned into a small, slightly shriveled one. Dream quietly gasped for air. Nightmare panicked, looking at his brother. He held him up bridal-style and stared terrified at him. The knights drew their sword at Nightmare's low growl.

"Who... WHOEVER did this to my brother will pay for it dearly..." Nightmare's voice boomed.

The guests gasped and whispered to themselves.

Who would do such a thing?

He was such an angel

Will there be war?

Which kingdom has done this?

"Come with me." Nightmare said quietly, heading towards the double doors.

Before he left he turned to the guests.

"You may travel to the courtyard until we get everything sorted out." He replied as he swiftly left with the knights.


They arrived at the infirmary where Sci examined him.

"What. Happened. To. Him." Nightmare said angrily with a hint of terror.

Sci looked over the gasping golden skeleton.

"He was poisoned. The poison was Enrik. It wasn't intended for him though." Sci said sadly.

"Then whom was it for?" Asked Nightmare.

"You, sire." Sci said.

The knights quietly gasped. Blue sat by the golden one's side.

"Enrik is a poison made with magic instead of normal components. It's a poison most used to kill monsters." Sci said quietly.

"How long does the poison take to..." Nightmare trailed off, not wanting to say it.

Sci knew what he was asking.

"32 hours, sire." Sci responded.

The room got very quiet. They looked at each other solemnly. Ink started to cry as Lust comforted him.

"Is there any way to save him?!" Nightmare begged Sci.

Sci thought for a moment before grinning.

"There is one way..."

Another cliffhanger! I know you probably hate me for this, but it's coming out tomorrow morning! So stay tuned! I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day or evening! Bye my Droplets!

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