Chapter six

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-Boston, 2008, Friday.

Trixie stood in Katya's kitchen with the coffee in hand. Katya headed to the living room, sat down on a grey couch. Katya was right, she doubted herself so much that she didn't trust others' opinions. If Katya said it wasn't too much, that's it. Why would she lie about it? And if it had been too much Katya wouldn't give Trixie her number or let her stay over. 

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just thinking" She took a sip of the coffee"So what's the plan"

"Plan for what?"

"Tomorrow dumbass, when am I sneaking out."

"Ohhh, at 6 or 7 a.m" Katya stood up, taking her jacket off "My dad arrives at 9 a.m, but sometimes he comes earlier and I don't wanna risk it"

"Okay, fair enough" Trixie took another sip, and her phone rings.

"Your phone is ringing Trix"

"Give it to me"

The screen said "Alex", her mom's boyfriend. Trixie rolled her eyes and brought the phone to her ear.

"Where the fuck are you Beatrice"

"Alex I told mom I'm staying at Kim's"

"I don't believe that bullshit!"

"Could you not scream"

"I know you're probably fucking with some girl" She heard Alex take a sip of a drink with ice. "You are don't you"

"I'm not" Trixie's eyes rolled again.

"Well let me tell you something, Beatrice. I can't stand the type of shit you do-"

"Well, you better learn to."

"You're so disrespectful Beatrice. Your mother will hear about this."

"Okay, bye." Trixie gave the phone to Katya for her to put it back in her purse.

"Who was it?" Katya asked

"Alex, my mom's boyfriend. He's so fucking annoying" Trixie took a sip of her coffee. "He thinks he owns the house as if my mom isn't changing boyfriends every 4 months."

"I'm sorry you have to deal with a guy like that"

"I'm used to it" 

"I'm going to take a shower, I'll be back in ten minutes," Katya said going upstairs. Leaving Trixie alone.

Trixie got up to take her phone out of her purse and her headphones. 


Hey, Kim.






U r so annoying.


Shut up.

If my mom or Alex asks about where I'm staying tell them I'm staying with you.


Ohhhh. Getting some pussy?

It was time girl


No. Idiot.

They were fighting so I'm staying over at a friend's house.

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