Odell Beckham Jr.

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"Alright, jab-jab, hook, uppercut, let's go." Odell said as he smacked his gloves against each other, getting ready after the break they'd taken. He was with his last client for the day, Y/N, who'd been requesting extra hours lately.

Odell wasn't the type to meddle but her behavior was starting to concern him. Although he'd only been her trainer for a month, he noticed how jumpy and guarded she always was and it was becoming more and more evident.

Y/N threw in the punches as instructed, still insisting they carry on.

"Relax," he guided. "Relax. Boxing is more of a mental sport, you need to respond, not react."

"Respond, not react," she muttered to herself between heavy breaths. "Got it, let's go again." She threw in another punch that caught Odell off guard, making him duck her hands and catch them soon after.

"Y/N, what's going on?" He raised a brow.

"What makes you think something's wrong?" She questioned back.

"You're requesting more lessons, we're in here for hours and you always seem jumpy, so what's up?"

"We live in a crazy world Odell, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do." She panted.

"Are you... in trouble?" He asked once again, refusing to train her any further.

She was hesitant on answering, so she avoided him by looking away.

"Y/N. You need to let me know if there's something wrong." He warned.

Just as she was about to mutter something, her phone rang. She quickly walked to where her towel was and answered. Odell observed her gestures from the distance he maintained. She seemed very tense, as if she couldn't freely talk. Her voice lowered each time she caught Odell's stared.

"Hey, uh, I have to go. I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time." Y/N said as she took her gloves off and put them in her duffel bag.

"What? Two seconds ago you were ready to go for another hour and now you wanna leave?" Odell grew confused. She hurriedly got her stuff and rushed out the door.


"I see you left without preparing my breakfast this morning..." his voice boomed.

It was her husband, Drew Walters. They'd been married for 2 years now and he'd always been abusive towards Y/N for the past few months. Emotionally abusive. He was very manipulative and had gaslighting tendencies. It was only a matter of time before he'd lay his hands on Y/N, hence she started taking the boxing classes.

"Sorry," she sat up from her vanity. "I had a couple of errands to run... then I went to my boxing class." She submissively said. Her tone became very soft when she spoke to him.

"What errands could you possibly have? You're a housewife, and since when do you do boxing?"

Y/N flared her nose at his questions, which she found utterly insulting. He always made her feel like she wasn't good enough for anything.

"Started about a month ago, I told you about it, remember?" She said as she still avoided eye contact.

By this time, he was either violently drunk or about to be. An emotional abuser and an alcoholic. Deadly combination. "As long as you don't hurt your pretty face, can't have you looking all messed up."

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