Lance Gross O3.

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"Hey family!" Martin warmly said as he let himself into Y/N and Lance's abode.

"Martin, hey," Y/N greeted him with a hug. "What are you doing here so early? You just missed Lance."

Lance had dropped Y/N off at the house and went to the location that was sent to him.

"He actually hasn't been answering my calls for the past few days..." Martin said as he walked out with Y/N.

"Oh, he didn't tell you? We kinda had a situation the other night. An intruder." Y/N casually said.

"Woah," Martin replied in shock. "What- How? Are you guys okay?"

Y/N sighed, "Yeah, thankfully. The cops came in time so it's being investigated. It's just that Lance has been off ever since." She said as she hopped into her Bentley truck and opened the window to continue talking to Martin. "Actually, he's been acting a bit weird since Vegas, what happened there?"

Martin cleared his throat, "Now you know you can't ask that question Y/N. You know how crazy bachelor parties can get. Just boys being boys..." he stalled her. "But you know what, let me not keep you, we'll talk later. Tell Lance to give me a call." He said his goodbyes and watched Y/N drive off the property before getting into his car.


"Not only did you lie about your name, you are a whole married man!" Caroline yelled as she paced around the room.

Lance kept his distance from her, "You called me all this way to confront me about facts?" He dryly said.

"You played me. I actually felt something between us in Vegas-"

"What do you want, Caroline? I mean, I figured the intruder thing was all you after you sent that text, but why? What happened that night was nothing short of an infatuation." Lance said as he put his hands in his pockets.

Caroline laughed pettily, "An infa- an infatuation? All you men do is use women and kick them to the curb."

"What do you want?!" Lance yelled, getting more and more agitated.

"I want you." She said with a devilish smile.

"I have a wife, Caroline!"

"Fine," she reached out for her gun and pointed at Lance, making him throw his hands up in surrender. "If I can't have you then neither can she. Up the stairs. Now!" She instructed.

Lance hesitantly walked up the stairs and eventually reached her room. He shook his head in disbelief.

"You are one crazy bitch!" He said as he looked at her walls. Pictures of him doing the most mundane things. It was clear she had been stalking him.

"Shut up! Take that rope on the bed and tie your legs up!"

"Caroline, listen-"

A loud bang went off. She shot up at the ceiling.

"I have the gun here. You are doing the listening!" She instructed.

Lance sighed as he tied his legs up. "Lay on the bed, you're going to write a little note to your precious wife!"

"Baby, come on, we can work this out," he pleaded with her as she softened up to the word of affection.

"I just want you to want me, why don't you want me?" She burst into tears as she maniacally scratched her head with the gun.

"I do want you, I do! Let's talk about this-"

"No!" She exclaimed, catching Lance by surprise. "I want to experience that night again. Just you and me!"

"I'll leave her, I promise you I'll leave her, just put the gun down and let's talk..."




After a long day of trying, Y/N had finally managed to track Lance's phone. She hadn't spoken to him since the morning and it was unlike him, and with all the fighting that had been going on, she had a bad feeling that something was wrong so she called the police on her way there.

A few minutes into the drive, Y/N's phone rang and it was Lance, but what she didn't know was that it was a butt dial, causing her to hear everything.

"I slept with you once Caroline! Why are you so obsessed with this Vegas night?! Is this some sick fantasy to you?!" His voice boomed through the phone.

Y/N felt her heart drop. It all made sense. Caroline, the so called detective wanted revenge from Lance for lying to her, hence the break-in and voluntarily involving herself in the case. She was a dirty cop.

She made it to the beach house and the police arrived soon after.

"Ma'am, we're going to need you to stay out here!" An officer instructed as Y/N fought to go inside.

The police were surrounding the house, so Caroline didn't attempt killing Lance because she'd face the repercussions. Instead she just screamed and shot Lance in the leg before getting arrested.

"You sick bitch!" Y/N yelled as she tried reaching for her, only to be held back.

The paramedics came out of the house bearing Lance on a stretcher and Y/N started crying, mostly because of what she had heard.




A year later...

"My client is requesting that all shared assets be sold and the profits split 50/50." Y/N's attorney stated.

They were in a court office... settling their divorce. Lance tried apologizing countless times but Y/N couldn't move past it. He looked at her with sad eyes before nodding in agreement with his and Y/N's lawyer.

"Alright, if you could both please sign here," they directed the papers to Y/N, who signed quickly, then to Lance. "Then everything will be final."

The two lawyers walked out and Y/N gathered her things to leave.

"Y/N..." Lance said as he stood up.

All Y/N did was brush up his crisp white dress-up shirt before giving him a long stare.

"Was there no other way we could've done this? I've apologized countless times, and I meant it. I can't do this life thing without you." He said.

"I'm tired, Lance."

"Baby please..."

"Take care." With that said, she walked out as she wiped a tear off her face.


Hope y'all enjoyed it! Sorry for any errors. 💓

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