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Rebecca's POV

After a long, boring class about Mesopotamia the bell finally rung.

I rushed out of class, hoping Jake and his group wouldn't see me

Thank god.

I avoided them. I go to my locker to get my stuff for math. I close it and head toward the prison some people call class. Just then there's a tap on my shoulder.

There's a tall guy in a black hoodie. I didnt get a good look at his face, though, so I don't know if he's hot or not.

" Yeah? " I say

" Oh uh... I'm new here and don't know where any of these classes are. Do you mind helping me out? "

" Sure. Oh, looks like we
both have math next. "

I get a better look at his face. What happened to his eye?

" Oh my god what happened? "

" Oh I uh... Um... Tripped and fell "

Does he really think I'd believe that... Whatever. No time for questions.

" Ok... Hey, I never got your name "

" Right. I'm Nash, Nash Grier. "

" Rebecca Smith. And we should get to class. "

" Ok. "

He seemed shy. Well, duh Rebecca he's new he doesn't know anybody and he only just met you. Don't be so dumb.

" Alright just follow me "

I showed him the way to math while looking at his schedule pointing out classes he had if we passed them in the way.

" Welcome to prison, otherwise known as math class "

He chuckled a little bit. Wow, that's the first time anybody's laughed at one of my jokes in years.

I sit down in my seat and he sits next to me, since that's the only other vacant seat.

Just then Jake shouts " Hey Rebecca, got a boyfriend? I don't see why he would go out with somebody as hideous as you. "

I glare at him

" He isn't my boyfriend. We only just met. "

" Whatever "

45 minutes later

Thank god, praise Jesus, hallelujah.

I walk out of class when I'm stopped by Mark, a guy in Jakes group.

" Hey, slut. Finally got enough money to pay some guys to go out with you? Smart "

" I already said he isn't my boyfriend,
dumbass. And incase you didn't notice, he's new. "

" I thought we told you not to talk to us like that. "

He raised his fist, but before it could hit me a hand stopped it.

It was Nash.

Mark looked over, surprised.

" Well well well, look what we have here. The boyfriend helping out his defenseless little girlfriend. " Jake said, getting involved. " What a gentleman "

Nash turned around. Jake looked startled for a second, seeing his black eye, but quickly put his usual face back on.

" Why don't you guys just leave her alone. What did she ever do to you? "

" Existed "

Nash grabbed my arm and walked away.

" Why did you do that? "

" Why wouldn't I? I couldn't just watch you get punched. That's messed up. "

" Oh well... thanks I guess. "

We stopped at my locker.

Wow. Maybe I'll have a friend other than Alexis.

A/n - Hi. Ok so Nash just defended Rebecca and I don't even know why I'm saying this because you obviously just read that but whatever.

I ate 5 spoons of peanut butter today and now I really want cheese puffs.

Also, my little sister didn't like Nash but yesterday I finally convinced her to actually watch some of his videos and she laughed a lot. She says it was " What his friends said about him " or " What his sister said " but she laughed at parts where his sister or friends weren't talking.


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