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Nashs POV

" So what are we doing today Becca? " I asked walking into the living room where she was watching tv.

" I'm not sure. I was hoping that you figured it out. "

" Alright let me think... " What the hell should we do today... Roller skating? Nope. Already did that. Movie night? Done that too. A lot. " Well... there is an old abandoned insane asylum around here, I'm pretty sure. "

" Oh yeah. I forgot about that. It's been abandoned since the 50's apparently. And what about it? "

" I don't know. Maybe we could explore it or something. I'm in an adventurous mood. "

" Really? I've always wanted to do that. " She looked really excited. She jumped up off of the couch and ran to get her coat and shoes. " What? " She asked. I was staring at her.

" Oh, sorry. It's just I thought you'd take forever to get done like usual. And I didn't really expect you to get excited like this. " I laughed.

" Oh. Well, we don't have time for me to get all perfect. Nobody's going to see us there anyways. "

I got up and grabbed my coat. Becca started the car and started driving to the insane asylum.

" Are you sure we're able to do this? Is it, like, trespassing or something? Does anybody care? "

" No, not that I know of. Other people have probably explored this place before us and haven't gotten arrested or in trouble. Most likely because people claim it's haunted. In case you didn't know there's a legend in our town about a patient there who killed practically everybody in the place with a knife and gun. Some people say he got it from somebody giving it to him through the bars of his little window. Anyways, he's said to appear as a ghost. There have been a lot of eye witnesses. They call him ' The Mooresville Terrorizer ' "

" Wow, you know a lot about it. "

" I find urban legends really, really interesting. So when I found out there was one in this town, naturally I had to know everything about it. "

" Huh... " I said and looked out of the window. We turned a corner and the asylum was there. It was huge. I didn't realize how huge it was when I last saw it since I saw it from a distance. It looks a whole lot creepier. I started to feel a little bit uneasy. The car stopped.

" Come on. " Becca said, smiling.

We got out of the car and walked to the entrance. We got our phones out and Becca started recording.

" Here we go. " She whispered.

" Becca? "

" Yeah? "

" I don't know. I'm feeling a bit uneasy. "

" Nash, don't be such a wimp. "

" I know, I know. It's just what if something happens? "

" Like what, exactly? "

" What about that ghost you were talking about. "

" Oh come on Nash. Usually it's the girl that chickens out. Man up. "

" Alright alright. " I sighed. I didn't want to ruin the fun for her.

We walked in and things were automatically 10 times creepier. It was extremely dark, there were spiders everywhere, and there were old fashioned stretchers here and there. I turned on the flashlight on my phone.

" This place is amazing. " Becca said.

" This place is creepy as hell. "

" That's what makes it so amazing. " She said looking around.

We walked further until we came to some stairs. We went up them and opened the doors at the top. When we opened it we saw something really, really fucking disturbing. There was blood on the walls.

" Holy shit... " I muttered.

Becca didn't say anything. She went up to blood and tapped at the wall with her finger.

" It's dry. " She said.

We walked a little further, looking into rooms every now and then only to see old, rusty beds. We came to another set of stairs and walked up those. It wasn't as disturbing this time, but when we looked into one of the room we saw something really, really fucking scary. There was writing carved into the walls and dry blood splattered everywhere. We noticed the door nob was broken, too.

" This must've been the room of Arnold Fogurs... " Becca said quietly.

" Who? " I said.

" The Moresville Terrorizer. The ' Ghost '. "

" Oh. " I said. I heard a noise and turned around. There was nothing in sight.

" What was that? "

" What was what? "

" That noise. "

" It's the Moorseville Terrorizer oooooooooo!! " She said sarcastically. " I'm kidding. Probably just some raccoon or animal looking for some food. "

" Probably. " I said and we started walking again. We walked for about an hour, seeing the usual creepy ass stuff. We disturbed some bats but nothing really too special. When we were heading out of the asylum freaky things started happening. We heard more crashes, eerie sounds, and sometimes footsteps. I know it sounds like something off a cheesy horror movie but I swear we heard this stuff.

After a minute or two of walking silently and quickly we heard an agonizing scream. We broke into a sprint towards the car. Becca looked at me with a terrified expression on her face. We finally reached the car and I got into the drivers seat. I put the keys into the ignition. The car wouldn't start.

" Nash... Nash hurry. " Becca said.

" I'm trying. "

" Nash. Nash the screams getting closer. "

" I know. The damn thing won't start. "

" Nash. " Becca said, now starting to cry. " Nash I see it. I see the ghost. " I turned my head and saw it. It was white, you couldn't really make out what it was, but it was definitely a ghost and definitely in the shape of a person holding a knife and a gun. It started coming closer. " Nash. It's coming towards us. "

" Becca, why won't it start. "

" I don't know Nash. Please just hurry. "

" Can't you see I'm trying. " I kept turning the keys but the car wouldn't start.

" Nash. Nash. NASH! " Becca practically screamed. The car finally started and we were off. I sped the fuck out of there.

When we got back to the house we were both still shaken up and breathing heavy.

" I told you we shouldn't have done it. " I said.

" Whatever. At least we're alive. It was still pretty cool, though. I mean, we saw a ghost. "

" Yeah. We did, didn't we. "

" Mhm. "

We got out and walked into the house. We weren't hungry so we didn't eat. We just went to bed.

What the hell just happened?

A/n - This chapter was weird af. I didn't really have any ideas for it and I thought about the abandoned insane asylum near where I live and thought maybe that'd be a good idea.

By the way, that isn't a real legend. I just made it up. But what are the chances of this happening? Like I said, I didn't have any other ideas so um...

Pain // n.g.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt