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Nashs POV

( Listen to the song please if it doesn't work just go to YouTube stop being lazy )

Me and Becca are going to hang out again tonight, but she won't tell me where we're going. Just to meet her at her house.

I walk up to her front steps. I knocked on her door.

" Hey. " She said with a big smile on her face.

" Hey. " I said back, smiling too. " So where the hell are we going? " I looked around, searching for any signs of what we were doing today.

" You'll see. Come on. "

We walked to the garage and she opened the door, revealing the car we messed with yesterday.

" Becca, how did you get it here? "

" Well, I brought a shovel to where the car was and got it out of the mud. And obviously I drove it here. It's pretty easy actually. I drove around town. "

" Really? "

" Yeah. We can use it to get places faster this week. "

" Ok, let's go then. Just don't get into a car crash. Be careful with it. "

" Don't worry I will. "

We got in the car.

" Know of any good songs? " I said.

" Yeah. Have you heard of Shinedown? "

" No, I don't think so. "

" Well now you will. "

She plugged in her phone to the car and put on a song.

Yeah I get it, you're an outcast.

Always under attack, always coming in last, bringing up the past.

No one owes you anything.

I think, you need a shotgun blast.

A kick in the ass

Watch your back.

Oh my, here we go.

Another loose cannon gone bi-polar

Slipped down, couldn't get much lower.

Quicksand's got no sense of humor.

I'm still laughing like hell.

You think that by crying to me.

Looking so sorry that I'm gonna believe,

We've been infected by a social disease.

Well then take your medicine.

I created the sound of madness

Wrote the book on pain.

Somehow I'm still here to explain,

That the darkest hour never comes in the night.

You can sleep with the gun, when you gonna wake up and fight... for yourself ?

" Almost here. " Rebecca said, looking excited.

" Why are you so excited? Come on, tell me. "

" You'll see in a few seconds. "

We drove around a corner and turned into the parking lot of Verizon.

" Becca... "

" Yeah? "

" You don't have to do this, you know. "

" But if I do then we text, FaceTime, call, and you don't have to be so bored all the time. You can play apps and go on Instagram and Twitter or whatever. "

" Alright. If you insist. " I said, chuckling slightly.

We walked in and went to the iPhones.

" Which generation do you want? Theres 4, 5, and 6. "

" Well, the 6th looks the best. Are you going to pay? I don't have any money... "

" Of course I'm going to pay Nash. Come on, let's get the phone. "

She walked over to one of the workers and said something to him. He walked over and started telling us about the features and shit. He was mostly talking to Becca though. He barely made any eye contact with me.

After he finished talking we walked up to the counter to pay and set it up.

" That'll be $200.00 " he said. How the hell did Becca get so much money?

She handed him the money and he gave us the bag with the phone.

" Here's my number babe. " He said handing her a small piece of paper.

" She taken. " I said. He glared at me and we walked away.

" Nice guy. " Becca said sarcastically.

" Real nice... "


When we got back to her house we sat down at the table and I started to get apps.

" Nash. "

" Yeah? "

" Add me to your contacts and messages. "

" Right, right. Whats your number? "

" 315-939-3964 "

" Got it. "

I sent a text to her saying Hey Babe.

" Why'd you text me? "

" Just making sure it works. "

After a while of being on our phones we decided to watch some movies until we fell asleep since it was late anyways.

We ended up watching The Lion King, Brave, and half of Sleeping Beauty before we both drifted off into sleep.

A/n - So off schedule....

Sorry I haven't been updating as much as usual. I've been really busy lately and have been getting home late. The only time I can write decent chapters is after I take a shower and I just....

Anyways, if you were wondering where Nashs dad is he is also gone for the entire week. Him and Beccas dad aren't friends, just be patient and you'll see. 😏

And every day of the week Nash and Becca will be going on dates. I guess you could call it the 7 Days of Dates. Idek. BUT NASHS SKIT CANT COME ANY FASTER HE HAS A FUCKING BLACK EYE AND BROKEN FOOT AND HIS NECK OR WHATEVER WTF EXPLAIN

And this chapter is really poorly written I'm sorry I just got back from spring break and I'm not used to getting up so early so I'm exhausted ugh.

Pain // n.g.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя