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Nashs POV

I have to go to the cops. He probably didn't even think this through, otherwise he wouldn't have answered the phone.

I raced to the police station. Of course it would have been easier to call them but Becca and I didn't want anybody to know we lived in an alley.

After about 5 minutes of running I was there. I went up to the front desk, out of breath, and explained the whole situation. I gave them my phone and they were able to track where hers was.

I started to walk with the few cops that were heading to the car. " Woah, where are you going? "

" With you. " I said.

" No. This guy could be potentially dangerous. We don't know if he has weapons or not and we aren't going to risk anything. "

" But she's my girlfriend. And I know Jake. He wouldn't have any weapons. " I said, chuckling.

" Just to be safe we can't allow you to come. "

" But- "

" Yes I know you're worried sick but unless you know how to defend yourself we can't let you. " He cut me off.

" I've fought off 8 guys with just my bare hands! It was for self defense, though. " I added quickly when he gave me a look.

" I don't know... Of course, you could be lying. "

" I'm not. " I said looking him in the eye with a serious look on my face. " Plus I know this guy. He really can't be that dangerous if you know how to fight back. "

" Alright, alright. But you have to stay close to us. "

" Thank you. " I said, relived. The 2 cops and I got into the car. I was in the back. We drove for about 20 minutes, me getting more anxious and worried by the second.

We finally got to place where they thought she was. It was a small house by the forest, not some abandoned building or an old shack. Just a house.

I saw a sudden movement in a window, somebody was obviously startled by the sudden sirens and lights. I obeyed what the cop told me at the police station and stayed close to them. We went up to the front door and one of them yelled " Police, open up! "

Nobody answered. He yelled it again. Still no answer. " If you don't open the door we're going to have to enter by force! " Nobody answered for the 3rd time and he ran into the door, it opened and they went inside with their guns out. They both searched the house. I stayed with the one who I talked to at the Police Department.

We searched everywhere upstairs, looking in closets and behind shelves. No sign of Jake or anybody. At this point I was terrified. What if he took her somewhere else? If she isn't here who knows how long it'd be if we found her? What if I never see her again? That last thought made me almost sick. I wouldn't be able to stand not having her in my life. Then we heard a yell from downstairs.

" I found him! "

We raced down the stairs and found Jake and the cop. Jake had a crowbar and the cop was pointing the gun at him.

" Put the crowbar down, NOW! " One of the cops yelled. He obeyed. They put him in hand cuffs then asked where Becca was. He glanced out of a nearby window towards the forest.

" I'll stay here and watch him. Make sure he doesn't do anything. You go and find the girl, Jeremy. Nash can go with you. " So Jeremy was his name. Despite all of the anxiety and worry I was feeling I was reminded of the boy from the fair.

We entered the forest, looking around for any shack or door. It was silent except for the sound of leaves crunching under the thin layer of snow on the ground.

So far there hasn't been any doors or shacks, nothing. God I hope she's ok.

Finally I saw what looked like doors to a basement.

" Jeremy. " I said and pointed to the doors. There was a big lock and chain on it. The lock wasn't rusted at all, so it had to have been put there recently. Jeremy started to kick at the doors and finally broke through the wood. I climbed inside before he could and went down the stairs as fast I could.

" Becca! "

I ran over to her.

" Nash! " She practically screamed. I hugged her and it lasted for a long time. When we separated Jeremy got the chain around her ankle off. I helped her stand up.

" We found Jake. That dumb ass never realized we could track down your phone. " I said and we both laughed a little bit. I know it hasn't even been 24 hours but we've been spending so much time together, you know, living in an alley, it doesn't feel right if I'm not around her. " Come on, let's get out of here. It smells like shit. "

" Damn right it does. " She said.

We walked out of the underground room with Jeremy and towards the house. There were more cops now and Jake was gone, probably at the police department.

One of the cops came up to us and started asking questions.

" Now, I'm going to need to talk to your parents. " Becca and I exchanged looks.

" We don't have parents. " She lied.

" Really? Well what happened to them? "

" They uh... died. " I said.

" I'm sorry. " He said and gave us sympathetic looks. " I'm going to need your addresses. "

Shit. What are we going to tell him? Our old addresses? No, our fathers could still be there. Somebody else's? No, they'd obviously find out. Screw it.

" We don't exactly have an address. "

" What do you mean? "

" Well, we live in an alley. Around where Chestnut Street is. "

" I can help with that. " Jeremy joined the conversation.

" How, exactly? " Becca said.

" I can get you a hotel room, at the very least. "

" There isn't really any reason to. We're doing just fine and we're saving up to do just that. " I said. Becca elbowed me hard.

" Actually there is. What's your name? Nash? "

" Nash Grier, yeah. "

" My son said you helped him win that goldfish at the fair about a month back. It's not everyday you meet teenagers that kind nowadays. "

" That was your kid? " Becca asked, surprised.

" Yeah. Plus, it's almost Christmas. I'm sure you don't want to spend it in a cold, dark alley. I'll pay for 2 months. You should be able to get enough money to continue by then. "

" Oh my god, we don't know how to thank you! " Becca said and hugged him. Once she let go she hugged me. " We're going to get out of the shitty alley " She said quietly.

Boy did I have a surprise for her.

A/n - Sorry for the sucky chapter and slow updates. 😓 But I'm going to bring this story to an end in the next chapter. Don't worry there will be a sequel, but a short sequel and then there will be a prequel. I couldn't fit the 2 ideas into one book. Also hmu on vine @ strange nash I make edits and stuff 😉

Love you people 💕

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