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Rebecca's POV

A few hours into school

I was walking to my locker as usual when I was pushed to the ground by none other than Jake.

" So, Grier decided to hang out with your slutty ass instead of us. A shame... he looked strong. Would have been fun watching you being beaten by him. " he laughed a little.

He slapped me and walked away. I got up. There weren't too many people around and I don't think they noticed, so I walked away like nothing happened.

I got my stuff at my locker and headed to my next class.


The last bell rung. I haven't seen Nash since this morning. Probably didn't feel well and went home or something.

As I walked home, I got nervous. I completely forgot about my dad. He might be home today. Ok, calm down. This is just like any other day

I got closer to the house and saw his car parked in the driveway. I sighed and walked inside. I was stopped by a voice calling my name.

" Rebecca. Reb-b-beca. " he slurred. Drunk, as always.

He came down the stairs, stumbling a bit.

" Why are you home so l..late. "

" What? " I asked.

" Look at the time! It's 2:45 in the morning "

" Its 2:45 in the afternoon. " I rolled my eyes.

He grabbed me from behind and slapped me.

" I'm never w-wrong Rebeccur "

Rebeccur...? Oh, right.... He's still drunk.

He punched me and I fell to the ground he kicked me a few times before bringing me up and smashing me back to the ground then leaving.

I got up and went to the bathroom, checking for any bruises or marks on my face. Good, there wasn't any.

I walked to my room and went on my phone. I texted Alexis.

R-Hey what's up. I'm bored af

A- Hey. Same.

R- Hey um... Did you happen to see Nash at all after 1st period?

A- No. Why?

R- Its just I didn't see him at all after this morning.

A- Probably got sick or something.

R- That's what I thought. I was just wondering though.

A- Do you wanna come over? It's boring as hell over here.

R- I can't my dads home 😓

A- Did he do anything to you this time?

R- Yeah. He practically always does when he's drunk.

A- Ugh, I hate that dick...

R- Who doesn't. Lol.

A- Well, when can you come over?

R- I don't know. Probably tomorrow.

A- Yassss

R- I have to go. My phones about to die.

A- Noooo don't leave me!!!!

R- Sorry I have t

A- Becca?

A- Becca.


A- Screw it.

My phone died. Oh my god... Why can't it just have an infinite amount of battery.

I got up and plugged it in on my dresser.

I was about to take a nap when I remembered I had homework.

I groaned got it out of my bag. If I can't accomplish anything else in life I might as well accomplish school.

How come school doesn't teach us how to survive in the real world. Like paying bills. Oh yeah good thing I know Pythagorean Theorem I'll totally use that someday.


I finally finished my homework. It was 8:30. I took a shower to relieve all the stress I had and went to bed.

I was exhausted. Homework never really did this to me but usually I finish it within an hour. Ugh.

In closed my eyes and drifted off into a nice deep sleep.


At school

I saw Nash and walked over to him.

" Hi Nash. "

" Hey Rebecca. "

" What happened yesterday? Where were you? "

" I got sick. Didn't feel like staying. "

" That sucks. "

" Yeah. "

We started walking to class. So far so good. No sign of Jake.

" Hey Grier, how was that sandwich? " Jake laughed.

Ugh. Too soon, Rebecca.

" Good, thanks. " He said back.

" You're one to talk. "

Nash just rolled his eyes. I ignored them.

We got to class and had our usual talk with Alexis. Somehow we ended up talking about whether Popeyes or Kfc had the best chicken.

At Lunch

" So Nash. I've been meaning to ask you. What was Jake talking about earlier. "

" Oh. Nothing, really. "

" Seriously Nash. "

" Alright. He gave the lunch lady a sandwich and said it was for me. He put something in it that made me throw up. It's fine, really. "

" That Jerk... "

The rest of the day was pretty average. Me and Nash got taunted by Jake and his group, I had some fun with Alexis, hung out with Nash some more, but there were no beatings from Jakes group.

I got home and thankfully my dad wasn't there.

I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv, watching Friends.

A/n - Hi so last night I accidentally hit publish so woops. And I haven't been updating on schedule because my birthday was on Friday and I didn't get to sleep until about midnight that night and last night. I haven't had time to update everyday sorry.

And the next chapter will be a lot longer because sometHInG WILL HAPPEN AND IM EXCITED ABOUT IT ASDFGHJKLQOENDJADJMDDMMS
Get ready.

And this ending sucks but don't worry the next chapter will make up for it ( Hopefully )

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