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Nashs POV

I kind of felt bad about lying to Rebecca, but I couldn't let her know about what goes on at home. Not yet at least.

My dad wasn't home, thankfully. Probably at some bar getting drunk.

I walked inside and went up to my room. I reached into my pocket to get my phone, but then I remembered I didn't have one. Alrighty.

Hanging out with Rebecca was actually the most fun I've had in years. Something about her.... I know we just met and all but I feel happier with her. Probably just because she's the first and only friend I've had for a while...

I crashed on my bed and put on the tv to once again watch Doctor Who.



Shit. My dads home.

I heard uneven footsteps coming up the stairs. He was drunk again, obviously.

I braced myself for what was about to come into my room, when I heard another loud slam.

A wave of relief washed over me. Maybe he forgot about me or wasn't in the mood to beat it me. Whatever. I should probably go to bed anyways.

I froze when I heard footsteps again. He still didn't come into my room, though. He went back downstairs.

I heard the clanking of bottles when he shut the door to his room.

I was going to get up, but decided to watch Netflix for a little while.

1 hour later

I was about to drift off to sleep when my dad came bursting into the room with a beer bottle in his hands.


He stumbled over to me and punched my gut. He slapped me, then slammed me onto the floor. I backed up against the wall.

He punched my face again then kicked my side. He went to go for my face again but I blocked it. I don't know why, I guess it was some kind of instinct that came over me, but I shouldn't have done it.

He punched my face again, multiple times. Then there was a sharp pain in my leg. I looked down to see it was bleeding. He hit me with the beer bottle and there were pieces of glass everywhere. He punched me in the face one more time, then left.

I got up and limped to my bathroom. My leg looked a lot worse in the light. I did whatever I had to and got it to stop bleeding. My faced still ached from where he punched me, though. At least there was only a bruise there.

I limped my way into bed and drifted into sleep.





I got up the next morning a bit excited to see Rebecca.

I crept down the stairs, got my fruity pebbles, and went back into my room.

God I loved this.

I don't know why I'm in a happy-ish mood today. You're supposed to feel bad when you wake up, right?


I grabbed my bag from my bed and left off school. I tried my hardest to walk normally. My leg didn't hurt as much as it did last night, but it still hurt to walk on it.

When I got into school I was immediately stopped by Jake and his group.

" What is it now? "

" We're giving you a second chance. You can either join our group, or hang out with the slut and suffer the consequences. "

" Why would I want to hang out with you? You're all a bunch of dicks. "

" I see how it is... "

He grabbed my shirt and slammed me into the lockers.

" You've made a big mistake, Grier "

He punched my face right where my dad did last night. I held that spot with my hands for a few seconds but stopped. I didn't want him to think I was so weak I couldn't handle one punch.

I walked away.

" Not gonna fight back? Wow. " He yelled back.

I would but I don't want to get suspended. Or worse, expelled.

I spotted Rebecca and went up to her.

" Hey. " I said.

" Hey "

" Might wanna get to class. Jake and his group are close by... " I said quietly.

" Yeah good idea. "

We walked to class and sat in our seats.

" Is Jake bothering you? " She asked.

" Yeah a little bit. "

" Dammit. I didn't want you to get dragged into this. "

" It's fine, really. "

She sighed.

" Lexi!! "

I turned around.

That must be Alexis.

" Where were you yesterday? "

She sat down in a seat in front of us.

" I didn't feel good. That's all. "

" Bitch how could you leave me alone like that. " They both laughed after she said that.

" And who is this? " Alexis asked looking at me.

" Oh this is Nash, Nash Grier. He's new. Just got here yesterday. And before you ask, no, we obviously aren't dating. "

" Ok I wasn't going to ask. I know you guys just met yesterday. "

She looked at me again.

" Do you talk? "

" Yeah. " I said. " You didn't talk to me so I didn't think I was supposed to talk. "

They laughed a little bit. Was that funny?

" Alright. Well my names Alexis Benedict, and before you ask, yes I'm taken. By Raymond Hill. "

The teacher walked in.

This will be an interesting day.

A/n - Sucky ending but whatever. I don't really know what to do for this authors note. The only thing happening right now is that I have a huge crush on this guy and I have no choice but to get over it because he'll never like me back and there's a lot of drama with it and I just... 😓

But my b-day is tomorrow woop.

Pain // n.g.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt