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Rebecca's POV

" Well, will you? "

" Nash, I honestly don't know what to say... " He looked anxious. " Yes!! " I said.

He smiled brighter than I've ever seen him smiled before. He picked me up, spun me around, said " Now we can kiss. " and kissed me. It was like the Fourth of July. Words can't explain how amazing I felt.

" I was so afraid that you were going to say no. " He said. " Ever since I first laid eyes on you I've known that you're the most beautiful person I'll ever meet. And now you're mine. "

Our lips crashed together again. It was so passionate. The fireworks came back.

" Did you feel them too? " I asked.

" Yes. Of course I did. "

He put me down and we gave back our roller skates. We walked out, our fingers intwined. As we walked out it started to rain. We didn't mind, though. I love the rain and so did he.

We stopped in front of my porch and kissed one last time. It was so much more romantic in the rain.

" Goodbye, Becca. "

" Goodbye Nash. "

He walked down my driveway and out of sight.

I went inside, happier than I've been in years, when I feeling of dread came over me. I completely forgot about my father.

" Rebecca! " He yelled.

" Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit. " I whispered.

" Where the fuck have you been?! "

" I was out... " I said quietly.

" Out where?! "

" With a friend. "

" Who. "

" It's nobody. "

He punched me. " Tell me, now! "

" His name is Nash. "

" Nash who. "

" Nash Grier. "

" So it's a guy, huh? "

" Mhm... "

He kicked my legs, hard enough to make me fall to the ground. He kicked my stomach and punched it, over and over again. He was careful not to bruise my face, though. He wasn't stupid.

I rolled over and he took the opportunity to start hitting my back. After countless punches and kicks, the pain left. He had stopped. I didn't bother to get up because I knew I couldn't, so I just laid there. Laid there in pain.

After a little while I decided to try to get up. I didn't want him to see me and start beating me again.

I got up and stumbled a lot, but managed to get to my bed and lay down.

I heard footsteps coming toward my room. Not again... I thought.

" Don't forget, I've told you to stay away from guys. So tell me, are you dating him? "

" No. " I lied. He punched my stomach where he had before. It hurt worse than it did.

" Tell me the truth. "

" No. " I lied again. I knew he would find and hurt Nash. He grabbed my arm hard.

" If you don't stop lying to me I'll break your fucking arm. Tell me. " He started to slowly twist it. The pain increased.

" Ok, ok, we are dating. " I said.

" Alright. " He let go of my arm. " You know what that means. "

Oh my god... I'm such a dumb ass. He's going to hurt Nash. I should have let him break my arm. I know we just started dating but he's the only guy that I've ever felt this way about.

I felt my eyes get heavy and drifted off into sleep.


Me and Nash started walking to school together. Usually he would come to my house but my dad was home this morning and didn't want him to see Nash, so I went to his house early.

I knocked on the door.

" Hey Becca. You're here a little early. "

" Oh, really? "

" Yeah. " He laughed.

" Well, are you ready to go? If not I can wait. "

" No I'm ready. "

" Let's go, then. "

I actually really didn't want to go to school today. People were going to find out that me and Nash were together. The comments from Jake would be way worse. He would probably try to ruin us, but frankly, I didn't care what he did to try and break us apart.

Before we walked into school we both stopped.

" Are you ready, Becca? "

" No not really. "

" Come on. " He held out his hand. I grabbed it.

A few steps into school Nash and I were both pushed into the lockers by Jake and his group.

" So you two are a thing now? It's official. You're the Eastwood High slut. " Wow. They will find anything to pick on me about.

Jake punched me, then kicked my legs so that I fell to the ground. He was about to punch me again when somebody tackled him.

I looked up, surprised to see Nash on top of Jake. Nash punched Jake but Jake managed to push Nash off and get up. Nash stood up, looking furious.

" You'll regret that, Grier. "

Nash rushed over to me.

" Becca are you ok? "

" Yeah. I'm fine... And thanks for doing that. " I smiled.

" Yeah no problem. I don't really know what came over me. It was just the sight of seeing Jake do that to you... "

" Nash. He's done worse. Much worse. "

" What?! "

" Yeah. It's not unusual. I'm pretty used to it. "

" You shouldn't be. " Nash looked at me with a worried expression.

" I know... Come on. We've got to get to
class. "

Throughout the day Jake didn't bother us at all. The only thing he did was glare at us.

All I could think about for the rest of the day was, what was he going to do that would make Nash regret what he did?

A/n - Hey people so I finally updated at the usual time. Yay.

So Becca and Nash are dating and I'm trying to think of a good ship name for them... Rebecca + Nash = Rash. Wait hell no 😂😂😂 Maybe Bash or Nebecca. What about Necca. Idk something like that.

But Nash just stoop us for himself and Becca and Jake said that Nash is going to regret it.

What will Jake do? What will Rebecca's father do? What will Nash do? Vote, comment, and add to your library and reading lists to find out!!1!!!!!1!!!111!!1!11!


Pain // n.g.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora