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Nashs POV

When the final bell rang I immediately went to look for Becca. I wanted to do something special tonight.

I rushed through the hallways trying to find her when that beautiful face caught my eye.

" Hey, beautiful. " I said.

" What's up? "

" I wanted to do something tonight. Something important. "

" And what's that? " She said, smiling.

" Well, now that we're dating, I think I should meet your dad. You know, have dinner with him or something. "

The smile she had was immediately wiped from her face. Her expression was blank but I could see the sadness in her eyes.

" What's wrong? "

" Nash... I-I... We need to talk somewhere private. Follow me. "

She led me out of the school and around the back where nobody was.

" What is it Becca? " I asked getting worried.

" There isn't really any way of saying this... He... I... You... "

" Come on, just say it. "

" You can't meet my dad. "

" Why? "

" It's just... I don't know if I should tell you or not. " She turned away. " He hits me. " She said, barely above a whisper.

" He does what? "

" He hits me Nash. He beats me. He's abusive. "

I opened my mouth to say something, but shut it. I couldn't believe this. How could the father of such a beautiful girl do this to her? She has nobody to go to for advice, no role model, nobody to take her places, nobody to walk her down the isle...

" Oh my god Becca.nWhy didn't you ever tell me? "

" I honestly don't know... "

" Well, I mean, if you told me about yours I might as well tell you about mine. "

" What do you mean Nash? " She said quietly.

" Mine does too. He's abusive. "

She looked at me, surprised and worried.

" So that black eye wasn't really from a fight. And is that the real reason you moved? "

" No. Somebody found at what he was doing and told the cops. So we had to leave the state. "

" Nash. "

" Yeah? "

She engulfed me in a hug. I hugged right back. We both needed one right now.

It felt like we hugged for hours. She left the hug and looked at me before kissing me.

" Well, there's another thing we have in common. " She said

As we started to walk from out of behind the school I said " Well, since we obviously can't do what I planned, how about we watch movies and cuddle. I'll bring snacks. Don't worry, my dad hasn't been coming home until morning lately. "

" Sounds amazing. I just have to go home and get some stuff. "

" Alright. I need to set things up anyways. "

" So we'll part ways here. I know a shortcut to my house. "

" See you in an hour? "

" Why so long? " She whines.

" I told you, I need to set things up. "

" Ok. See you in an hour. "

I practically ran home. I needed as much time as possible.

The first step was to make something nice to cuddle in. Um.... I'll make a little fort. Yes, that'll be perfect. I set up the fort. It had a bunch of blankets with pillows and a string of Christmas lights. So I have the cuddling step done. I checked the clock. I still had about 35 minutes.

I needed to get snacks. I know I don't have anything good here so I'll just go to the store.

The store wasn't far from my house. About a 5 minute walk. I went into the store and quickly grabbed the things I needed. Chips, soda, stuffed animals, brownies, and candy.

I rushed home will a lot of bags in my hand. I got inside and looked at the clock.

Shit. I have 15 minutes. I put all the snacks and stuffed animals next to the fort and got all of the movies we still had. I got all the comedy and romance movies I could find. I made sure everything was in place. Good.

The doorbell rang and I rushed down the stairs.

" Hey Becca. " I smiled.

" Hey. " She smiled back. " So where are we watching the movies? "

" Upstairs. Follow me. "

I led her up the stairs. I opened the door to my room and she laughed.

" What's so funny? "

" You're so cute Nash. "

" I know. "

I put in 21 Jumpstreet and layed down in the fort.

" I love this, Nash. "

" I'm glad. "

" Oh my god you didn't. "

" What? "

" I haven't had Little Debbie brownies in forever! These are my favorite oh my gosh. "

It seemed like when I was with her all my problems went away. I had nothing to worry about.


It was about 2 am when I noticed that she was asleep. I laughed at how adorable she was when she slept. I had to get her up, though. My dad couldn't see her.

" Becca... Hey, wake up. Becca." I whispered shaking her.

" What... " She groaned.

" Come on sleepy-head, you have to get up. "

" Why can't I sleep over? " She whined.

" Because of my dad, that's why. "

" But I don't want to leave you. "

" I don't want you to leave me either, but you have to. "

" Fine. " She said as she reluctantly got up and grabbed her stuff. " I had fun tonight Nash. "

" I did too. "

" Bye Nash. "

" Bye Becca. "

Now I just have to pick up before he gets home.

A/n - Hey guys so I know this chapter sucked but a lot of these are fillers. I have so much planned for this story but I don't want to rush it and it's killing me. But in a few chapters something will happen. 😈

Anyways I learned to play some of the piano part for Life Of The Party and I think that's my new fav song but idk yet.

Bye and love ya.

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