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Rebecca's POV

After school

Jake and his group surprisingly didn't bother me for the rest of the day. I thought they'd make it 10 times worse than usual, but they didn't.

Anyways, me and Nash are supposed to meet at the park today. Not as a date, though. Just to get to know each other better.

When I got home I got a new outfit. It was a white sweater, jeans, purple vans, and a white beanie.

I did all the other stuff to make myself look decent and looked at myself in the mirror.

Still ugly, but good enough.

I sat down to watch tv until it was time to leave.


I looked at the time. 4:30.

Oh my god. I was supposed the be there already.

I got up from my couch and quickly brushed my hair again. I grabbed my phone and rushed out of the house.

I walked quickly to the park. When I got there I didn't have to look too far to find Nash sitting on a bench right at the entrance.

" Hey " I said.

" Hey "

" Sorry I'm late. I just lost track of time... "

" Ok. I was actually a little late too. I couldn't find the park. "

He laughed a little.

" It's fine. I didn't expect you to. "

There was an awkward silence.

" So... " he said

" So... "

" Well. Uh... do you want to get to know each other? Like, the things we like and stuff. "

" Sure. My full name's Rebecca Abigail Smith. I really like Harry Potter and Doctor Who, I'm single, my favorite color is red, my favorite food is pizza, and... I don't have a mom. "

" My full name's Hamilton Nash Grier, I als- "

" Wait, Hamilton? " I laughed.

" Yeah. I don't really like that name so I've always called myself Nash " he said, rubbing the back of his neck. That's attractive. Hold on, what?

" Anyways, I like Doctor Who too, I'm also single, my favorite color is black, my favorite food is Fruity Pebbles, if that counts as a food, and I also have no mom... "

" Oh ok. Sorry to ask, but why? "

I tried to sound as polite as I could. I didn't really want to hurt his feelings or bring up something too personal, but I had to know.

" Oh she um. She died of cancer when I was 11... "

" I'm sorry. "

" Yeah it's ok. What about yours? "

" I don't really want to talk about it. All I can say is that she walked out on me and my dad when I was 13. "

" It's fine. I understand. Do you want to go for a walk? "

" Sure. "

We got up and started walking along the path. It was early November, so there were leaves everywhere.

Nash kicked at a small pile of leaves.

" You know, I used to come here as a kid with my mom and dad. " I said.

" Oh yeah? "

" Yep. Especially in the fall. We used to bring little rakes and they made a big pile for me to jump in. Those were the best years of my life. I just miss her a lot. "

" I know how you feel. When I lived in California me and my family always went to the beach. Played in the sand, swam in the water, you know, typical beach stuff. That was some of the best years of my life. "

" You know what's weird, Nash? "

" What. "

" How we only met earlier today and we're already talking about our mothers as if we were best friends or something. "

" Yeah, that is kind of weird. "

I stopped walking.

" What is it Rebecca? "

" I want to know what really happened to your eye. "

He thought for a moment before sighing and saying

" In my old school I got into fights. When I came home like this my dad decided enough's enough, time to move. And don't worry. Hopefully I won't get into any fights here. "

Makes sense. I mean, he couldn't get a black eye like that from falling.

" Ok. "

I looked at the time on my phone.

" I'm kind of hungry. Wanna get Chipotle? "

" Sure. I've actually never had Chipotle before. "

What?!?!??!?! Chipotle is the fucking God of Mexican food restaurants.

" How have you never had Chipotle before?! "

" I don't know. Just never thought of it I guess. " He laughed a bit.

" Come on. I'm taking you to Chipotle. "


While eating we mostly talked about good times we had with our moms and got to know random little facts about each other. It was the most fun I've had in years, actually.

We were walking home. It was silent. I didn't mind, though. I'm not sure if you'd consider this a date or not. We were just 2 people that wanted to get to know each other better.

We came to a stop.

" I have to go to my house this way. " I pointed down a road on the left.

" And I'm pretty sure I have to go this way. " He pointed to the other road.

" Well, bye. I'll see you tomorrow, Nash. "

" See you tomorrow. "

We parted ways. I'm not sure if I like him yet, but something about him just makes me feel happy.

A kind of happy I've never felt before.

A/n - HI THERE. Ok sorry I didn't update yesterday but it's been a bad past few days and the only way I can write decent chapters is if I'm in a good mood. So sorry about that lol.


Also about Zayn leaving 1d. I've never actually been a fan of One Direction, but I know that their music is good af. I used to be a little bit of a fan, but not exactly. As a part of the old Magcon fandom we know what it feels like to have something you love so much be broken apart, but you heal. You'll get through it just like we did. Stay strong love.

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