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Nashs POV

1 Week Later

I made sure Becca was asleep before getting out of the bed as quietly as possible and creeping over to where I was hiding the mini Christmas tree and what I was going to give her.

We've been living in the hotel room for about a week and it's around 6:00 am on Christmas morning. You have no idea how good it felt to shower and use a proper toilet.

I got out the Mimi Christmas tree and put it in front of the bed. I put some lights around it and hung some ornaments, still being as quiet as possible so I didn't wake her up. Then I got out her, our, I should say, present and spread it around the mini artificial tree. I went into the kitchen and started making her favorite breakfast, bacon and French Toast, with the biggest smile on my face.

She is going to be so surprised.

Rebecca's POV

I smelled food cooking and, with my eyes still closed, asked " Babe, is that what I think it is? "

" Yep. " He said and I heard footsteps coming over to me. I opened my eyes and saw the plate of bacon and french toast. I sat up and at the end of the bed was something I never would have imagined possible.

Money. There was money all around the tree. You couldn't see the floor around it there was so much.

" How did you? Where did this come from? "

" Let's just say my dad was quite the gambler. "

I stared at him with the widest eyes you'd probably ever see.

" How long did you have this? "

" I got it one night while you were sleeping. I know it was dangerous but he wasn't home. I've known where he keeps all his money from gambling for a couple years now. He always makes a loose floorboard under his bed and keeps it there. "

" Why didn't you show me so we could use it sooner? "

" Because I wanted us to appreciate the things we usually have, like shelter or all the food we can eat, more than we did before. "

" Nash I- "

" There's $25,000 here by the way. "

I ran up and kissed him. Kissed him better than ever before. We pulled apart, breathless.

" We can get an apartment! A good apartment! If it's $1,000 or so a month we'd have about enough for 2 years and we'll be graduating by then! " I said, excitedly.

" I know! " He said, just as excited as I was. " I love you, Becca. "

" I love you too, Nash. "

5 days later

We entered the tall apartment building with our suitcases rolling behind us and went into the elevator. Nash pressed the button and we started to go up until we reached the 3rd floor.

We looked for our apartment. 1c... 2c... 3c... Here it is, 4c. We opened the door and stepped inside the apartment.

It was amazing.

The living room had a huge flat screen tv, the kitchen had black cupboards and countertops, the couch looked extremely comfortable, there was a big window overlooking the small city and a set of stairs that probably led up to the rooms.

" Race you to the bedroom. " Nash said quickly and ran up the stairs. I tried to catch up but he was too fast. The bedroom was perfect. It had a huge closet and a king bed, which had a white blanket and white sheets, a bathroom, another big window, and the room was huge. This place has everything I could've hoped for.

Nash and I walked over to the window and looked at the city. We could see the school, the skating rink, even our old houses.

I looked at Nash and he looked at me. I am truly in love with this boy. No matter what happened ever since we've met, he's always been there.

He's the one who got rid of all my problems and most of all, my pain.

A/n - And that ( Doesn't. Look at the next part. ) concludes the end of Pain! I have loved writing this book and will probably enjoy writing my next books.

Speaking of the next two, soon I will post when I'll be starting another book. But until then, I'm going to take a break from writing.

I'll see you soon guys. Much love from me to you 😘 - Juliah

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