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Rebecca's POV

3 Years Later

I laughed at the dumb pun Cassidy just told me. Something about how noses are in the " Scenter " of your nose.

" Get it, because you smell scents with your nose and your nose is in the center. " She exclaimed, her nose scrunching up as she laughed like it always had.

She finished her coffee and stood up, her camera and bag around her left shoulder. I said goodbye to her as she left the café. It was almost sundown, so she went to the field she's been going to since she moved to here to pursue her dream of becoming a photographer.

Cass tells me the best time to take pictures is when the sun is setting. Not just because of he sunset, but because of everything that happens. Little bugs come out, the lighting is almost always perfect, and just the atmosphere in general is great. I got up to go and meet Nash at our car, where he was waiting for me.

I decided about a year ago I didn't want to be an actor or anything big like that, so I decided I'd just become a doctor. It's always been something I've wanted to do so I thought what the hell.

I'm in my second year of medical school now, and it's been hard. You have to stay up for hours on end studying and doing homework, which is now getting a lot harder than high school ever was, and my sleep schedule's been messed up since I started. It'll ( hopefully ) pay off in the end, though.

Enough about me, you're probably wondering what happened to our fathers. Well turns out Nashs dad was arrested after the cops found out he started this whole drug empire. He was sentenced to life in prison since he apparently murdered a couple of people. As for my father, that's a happier story. Nash's dad told him about the drug empire idea ask agreed to it until my mom actually contacted him and he decided not to. He wanted to change for her and he did just that. He went to therapy for his drinking problem and they both found me and apologized for everything they'd done. We're at least on speaking terms. I can't just forgive him for all the shit he'd done.

Nash and I's relationship is amazing right now. We live in an apartment in New York City. Nash actually has gone in to be a surgeon. It's different, but it's what he wanted even though you have to go for 8 years or so. He goes to Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and I go to the New York University School of Medicine. They're both in Nyc, so we can live together.

We were going to the beach together since we haven't in forever because we've been so busy with medical school and we both just needed a break from a the stress.

I stepped out of our car and onto the hot sand. New York can get pretty hot in summer, and it was one of those days. I rush to the water and am surprised that the water is somewhat warm. Nash follows behind me, his now Harry Styles length hair blowing through the wind.

" It's weird, isn't it? " He says.

" What is? " I ask.

" We were going to become actors and now I'm becoming a damn surgeon. " He laughs.

" Yeah, it is pretty weird. But I guess we just wanted to help people more than entertain them. " I say and he agrees.

We stay looking at the ocean for a couple more minutes, not saying anything. The sun starts to set and I lay my head on his shoulder.

" Becca? "

" Yeah? " I ask. He takes a deep breath before turning to me.

" We've been together for almost 4 years now, and I'm pretty sure I've made up my mind. When you first turned around, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on, and I was right. After I learned what your father did you you, I wanted to murder him in the most gruesome way possible. Crazy, I know, but I just felt so angry. You're the reason I'm happy, and I think I want to spend the rest of my life with you. " He said and got down on one knee.

Holy shit.

" I love you so much Becca, will you marry me? "

I stood there for a couple of seconds, looking at Nashs anxious face. I couldn't think of anything to say, so I just screamed and hugged him. Well, tried to at least. I sort of just ran into him knocking him down onto the sand. We kissed and once we pulled apart he said " I take that as a yes. "

I'm so incredibly happy. In going to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful man. He slid the ring on my finger and I admired it. It was beautiful. I was pretty sure it was diamond, so this had to cost thousands of dollars and I wanted to ask how he got the money, but that wasn't important right now. All that was important was him and I were actually getting married.

We started planning everything out. We were going to finish medical school first, well, me at least because we couldn't wait another 4 years for him to finish up, so that'd give us a year or so to plan and get everything ready. Nash said right away that the best man was going to be Cam. Ever since he helped Nash and I get back together that day, they've gotten closer and closer. They're best friends now.

I'd obviously have Cass, Alice, and Destiny as my bridesmaids and I guess I'll have to have my dad walk me down the isle. I do want to build a good relationship with him, but it's just going to have to be taken slowly.

We got up once it got dark out and I took another look at my soon to be husband.

I'm never going to leave him.

A/n - And here is the official epilogue. That other one sucked so I just went ahead and made it completely different.

I love you all and, unless you're homophobic, you just keep being you.

- Juliah

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