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Rebecca's POV

6 Months Later

I sat at the table during lunch, waiting for my friends. I watch the door and soon enough they're here.

Cassidy's black hair catches my eye first. I'm jealous of it, I get sick of my brunette hair sometimes. She moved here during mid-January and we've been best friends ever since. She knows all of the father problems.

Walking next to her is Alice, her long blonde hair really stands out. She's been going to this school for as long as I remember and is more shy, so she didn't have any real friends before she met Cassidy and I.

Then there's Destiny. My favorite red head in the world. She's amazing, doesn't give a shit what people think and is quick to defend anyone. She has the best comebacks ever, and not to mention cusses a lot.

I smile as they sit down at the table.

" Sup bitches. " I say. They all reply with a simple hey.

" So guys, there's a party on Saturday that I'm going to. You're all coming. " Cassidy says.

" Me included? " I ask. She nods. " But I've never been to a party before. " I whine.

" Exactly! "

" Fine... "  I sigh

" Yes! " She says excitedly.

" But only if I can bring Nash. "

" Of course you can. "

I never liked the idea of drunk and high teenagers everywhere. Anything can happen at parties so I've avoided them, but everybody goes to at least one party so why not? And I didn't want to let down Cass for the millionth time.

" Boo! " a voice yelled from behind me.

" Holy shit Nash, never do that again! " I laughed. He chuckled.

" What up gurl? " Said the familiar voice of Matthew Espinosa. He moved here around the same time Cass did.

" Nothing, really. Where's Shawn? "

" He had to stay behind. Attempted to pass notes to Jade. " He wiggled his eyebrows. Shawn has had a crush on Jade Partridge for almost a year, or so he's told us.

We're all friends now. Matt, Shawn, Cass, Destiny, Alice, Nash and I. Except, of course, Nash and I are dating.

" So anything exciting happening? " Nash asked. Cass looked at me.

" Yes, actually. Cass said that there was a party on Saturday. She's forcing me to come- "

" I didn't force her to do anything! " Cass says to Nash.

" Whatever. Anyways, there is no way in hell that I'm going alone so I wanted to know if you can come. "

" You don't have to ask. If you want to do it, so do I. "

" Oh so if I wanted to jump of a cliff you would want to too? "

He chuckled at my remark. " Well it depends. I don't think I could live without you. "

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