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Rebecca's POV

I finally found Nash after looking for him for 5 minutes.

" Hey Nash. " I said walking up to him.

" Hey. "

" I have some good news. My father's going to be gone all week. Somewhere with friends I think he said. But he left his car on this path in the forest that I used to go to a lot and I was thinking maybe we could, I don't know, try to drive. "

" Sounds awesome. What time? "

" How about we walk there from school? " I didn't see any point in us going home. We weren't going out in public or anything.

" Sure. I just hope we don't crash it. " He laughed.


" Come on Nash stop being so slow. "

" I have a way heavier bag than you. "

" Just put it down. We'll be coming back this way anyways. "

" Whatever. " He put the bag on the ground.

We walked for about 5 more minutes until we saw the car.

" Why would he just leave his car in the middle of a path, with the keys in the car? " Nash asked.

" I honestly have no idea. So you want to drive first? "

" Sure why not. "

He got in the drivers seat and I got in the passengers. He put the keys in the ignition and the car started.

" So this is the gas... And these are the breaks. " He said looking down at the pedals.

" Are you sure you'll be careful? "

" I promise. I'll go slow. "

He lightly pushed on the gas and we started moving slowly. We picked up speed after a few moments. Then the car came to a stop.

" Why'd you stop? "

" I don't know. I think the car got stuck. Go check it out. "

I got out of the car and immediately noticed the muddy ground. Great. The car's stuck in mud. I walked over to a patch of dry dirt and looked at the wheel. The next thing I know it's spinning and I'm covered in mud.

" Nash what the hell!? "

He walked out of the car laughing and pointing.

" I'm sorry babe. Come on, I'll help you. "

He came over to me. Oh no you don't. I pushed him down into the mud, but caught himself however his hand got stuck in the mud. Perfect.

I ran over to the drivers side and sat down in the seat. I slammed down the gas.

I walked out and laughed so hard I fell over. Nash was completely covered in mud, except for a part around his eyes I'm guessing he covered with his arm.

" Becca really? " But he couldn't contain his laughter either.

We laughed for a solid 10 minutes, sometimes looking at each other in silence and breaking into another laughing fit.

" Becca, a little help? " Nash said referring to his hand, which was still stuck.

" Alright alright I'm coming. "

I walked over and started pulling on his arm really hard, but it only moved a little bit. So I started scooping out the mud that was around him. After a while of digging his hand out of the mud it finally came free.

" Thanks Becca. "

" No problem Nash. "

I stared into those ocean blue eyes that I could get lost in for the longest time, when his lips pressed against mine. We immediately pulled apart, spitting.

" Oh my god Nash, you got mud in my mouth. "

" Yeah sorry, I forgot about that. " He said. " We should get going. The car isn't going to come out for a while. "

" Yeah, probably. "

We got up and headed back towards my house, Nash picking up his bag when we went by it.

I was the first one to get cleaned up. I took my shower and got a change of clothes. I waked back to my room.

" Damn Becca, you took and hour and a half in the shower alone. "

" Well, considering I was covered in mud, it kind of makes sense. And how did you get cleaned up? "

" I went home since you were taking so long. Didn't take me and hour to shower. "

" Whatever. Come here Grier. "

He walked over to me and pressed his lips against mine. The familiar fireworks were there.

" We're poets and we don't know it. " He said.

I smiled. All I could think about was him. Those eyes anybody could get lost in, that hair I could play with for hours, and that contagious smile.

A/n - I really REALLY don't want to go to school tomorrow. I just had spring break and it was amazing af. I don't want to fall asleep even though I'm tired because that just make the school day come quicker.

Anyways, this chapter was short but in my opinion entertaining. And is Nash for real going to do #FacetimeMeNash ? Because if he is e better not do it during school.

Goodnight though. Love ya.

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