part 4

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Y/n couldn't believe it, there she was standing in front of her, she was absolutely gorgeous, Y/n's heart ached, how could anyone look so perfect, even for vampire standards she was beyond how beautiful they should look.

Looking into her eyes was like sinking into a warm bath, just looking at her made Y/n feel safe and...loved? How was that even possible. Y/n didn't even know her and Y/n belonged with Edward...didn't she? But he didn't want Y/n...he left.

Y/n didn't realise she was hyperventilating until she felt the blonde vampire gently place her hands on her shoulders. Y/n felt a little jolt and looked at Kate again...this didn't help the hyperventilating. Kate smiled at Y/n. "I'm going to need you to breathe in and out slowly okay...I don't want you passing out hun."

Y/n did as Kate said, Y/n do anything Kate said if she would just keep talking, her voice was like silk. She removed her hands from Y/n's shoulders. Y/n felt lost without the contact.

"I'm Kate by the way, it's nice to actually meet you." Kate grinned. Y/n couldn't help but blush.

"Y/n...I'm Y/n, thank you for saving me yesterday." God Y/n was so awkward. Kate laughed and smiled at her again.

"It was my pleasure, trust me babe." Kate winked at Y/n making her blush even more.

Kate's POV

I loved seeing her blush, it was so adorable, and surprisingly it didn't make me thirsty, which was good because I NEVER EVER want to hurt her, I'd die before I let myself hurt her. I needed to spend more time with her, get to know her.

"Y/ n, I was wondering are you busy right now?" God I was hoping she'd say no.

" I'm not." She looked nervous again.

"Great, would you like to spend some time with me today then?" I could see her start to smile after registering what I had asked her.

"I would love to Kate, how about we go sit over there?" I nodded and followed her placing myself next to her on the grass. Y/n leaned backwards as the sun came out and bathed the both of us in the warm glow.

Y/n suddenly tensed up looking at me. "Oh my god, Kate I'm so sorry the sun...I forgot you can't be in it."

I put my hands up trying to calm her down "Y/n, calm down it's okay...wait how do you know I can't be in sunlight?"

She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "I know your a vampire Kate, and I know Laurent was one as well."

I was still puzzled "How?" Y/n didn't respond instead she took hold of her wrist and pulled her sleeve up. I was mortified to see a bite mark...not a normal bite mark a vampire mark. I gently traced my finger over the mark feeling the cold temperature compared to the rest of her skin.

Y/n was about to jump into an explanation, before I stopped her. "Y/n, you don't have to explain, it's okay."

She shook her head. "No it's okay, I want you to know, I trust you." She smiled at me and I smiled back encouragingly. "I found out about vampires when I met the Cullen' first he hated me he left for a while and - "

I had to cut her off at that point "Wait...Edward...Y/n?...Y/n?...Oh my god...your Edward's Y/n?"

I saw her wince. "I'm sorry, it's just he came to stay with me and my family for a while and said it was because he needed to get away from a human before he killed her...I had no idea..."

She smiled sadly. "It's okay, anyway...when Edward came back...he said he wanted to be friends...but that we shouldn't be friends because he was dangerous. I went to Port Angeles with friends, I got separated from them...and I was nearly attacked...and possible raped."

I couldn't help but let out a growl when she told me that. "But Edward got there and saved me." Well at least boy wonder did something right. "After that he said he couldn't stay away from me anymore...he took me to dinner, but didn't eat anything, I thought it was odd, I never saw him eat...I noticed little things over time, the not eating, his skin always being so cold, his eyes changing from gold to black...that's why I got separated from my friends in Port Angeles, I was at a bookshop, I wanted information on the cold ones...that's when I put it all together...what he was..." Y/n stopped.

I placed my hand on her arm, she looked at me "You don't have to continue if you don't want to."

Y/n shook her head. "It's okay, this is just the first time I've spoken about it since...since he left." I was worried but let her continue, I started to remove my hand, when she reached out and placed her hand on top of mine, I felt the warmth and her blood pumping under her skin, it was comforting to me.

Y/n continued. "After that, we were inseparable...after a while he wanted me to visit his family...that went great I got on well with everyone...well everyone except Rosalie...I went and watched them play baseball...when three other vampires came across them...James the one who gave me the scar, caught my scent and started hunting me...Alice and Jasper took me out of town, but James made me believe he had my I met him alone and he attacked me...Edward got there in time but couldn't stop James biting me, he ended up having to suck the venom out. I woke up in hospital...he promised me he wouldn't leave...but he did..."

I noticed Y/n was starting to get upset. I wrapped my arms around her stroking her hair. We sat like that until she calmed down, instead of moving Y/n rested her head on my shoulder and continued her story. "It was my 18th birthday and Alice wanted to throw me a party...I was an idiot and ended up with a paper cut...Jasper tried to attack me...and Edward ended up knocking me backwards into some glass vases...which made the cut a whole lot worse...Carlisle stitched me up and Edward took me home...he was distant with me for a few weeks...I pulled up to my house and he was waiting for me, asked me to go take a walk with I did, we walked into the woods, and he told me he was leaving, and that he didn't want me to go, that I'm not right for him...and he left I tried to run after him, I ended up tripping and fell...I cried for hours until I was eventually found..."

I couldn't stop the growl...I moved and gently took Bella's face in my hands, making her look at me. "Listen to me Y/n...he was an idiot to walk away from are worthy of so much don't know how special you are..."

I felt Y/n lean in to my hand. Y/n looked up at me and down to my lips, meeting my eyes again...she slowly moved forward, I leaned in closer...we were inches apart our lips hovering, normally I would have closed the gap but I wanted Y/n to make that decision for herself.

Y/n's POV

What the hell was she doing, she just told Kate what happened and now Y/n's leaning in to kiss her?! But Y/n wanted it, just as Y/n was about to close the gap, her eyes fluttered open...and Y/n saw him behind Kate. "Y/n...stop, don't do this." His voice a whisper. Y/n jumped backwards, Kate looking at her with concern.

Y/n scrambled to her feet, backing away. "I'm sorry...I...I...gotta go...I can't do this" Without glancing back Y/n ran.

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