part 24

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Leah's POV

When I was upstairs I couldn't help but smile I saw Y/n sitting on a chair, with Rosalie's hands resting on her bump, whispering to her. Kate walked over to me and thanked me. I had to ask. "Did they make it out alright?" Kate nodded. "Good." I walked past her into the room. Y/n stood up as I entered with help from Rosalie and Alice. Y/n rubbed her bump. "Hey you okay?" I smiled. "It's not like I'm the one carrying a demon."

Rosalie spoke from next to Y/n. "This is pretty important Y/n, why don't you tell Leah what you've decided?" I looked at everyone confused. "What now?" Kate laughed from behind me. "Rose is trying to talk Y/n out of her baby names." Y/n laughed. "She hates them." I smiled "Then I'm on your side no matter what you picked." Y/n looked at Rosalie. "There not that bad, if it's a boy E.J. Eleazer Junior." Rosalie rolled her eyes. "Okay fine, that one's not awful why don't you tell her the girls name?"

"I chose honour of my dad." I smiled. "That's lovely Y/n." Rosalie reached for the cup of blood. Y/n reached for it, but before she could take it, she lost her grip and it fell to the floor. Y/n bent to pick it up and her back snapped. Y/n groaned in pain, clutching at her stomach.

Y/n fell to her knees, everything seemed to be going in slow motion. We all rushed forward, Kate getting to her first, grabbing her head to make sure Y/n didn't get hurt any further. We quickly took Y/n to the study where all the medical supply's were set up.

Kate's POV

I was frantic! I needed to save Y/n and the baby! "Rosalie pass the morphine!" Alice was on the phone to Tanya and looked back at me. "Tanya said the placenta must have detached." I quickly jabbed Y/n, injecting her with the morphine. Alice looked at Y/n. "She's coming as fast as she can but-" Rosalie cut her off. "We'll have to do it."

Rosalie grabbed the scalpel, ready to cut Y/n open, I quickly grabbed her hand stilling her movements. "Rose, let the morphine spread." Rosalie snarled at me. "There's no time his dying!" I looked at Y/n as she screamed at me. "Get him out NOW!" I removed my hand from Rosalie's.

Leah spoke to Y/n trying to distract her as Rosalie opened her up. "Look at me Y/n!" Y/n screamed in pain. I could see Rosalie about to snap. "Rosalie don't!" Leah jumped across the table, wrestling her to the floor.

"Alice get her out of here!" I watched as Alice grabbed Rosalie by the throat dragging her from the room.

Leah came to stand next to Y/n again, as I had to take over. Leah was frantic. "You gotta save her, you gotta change her!" I shook my head. "I can't, not while his still in there, I gotta get him out first."

Y/n writhed in pain. I hated seeing her like this. Leah carried on talking to Y/n. "Stay focused, keep your heart beating." Y/n screamed "His suffocating!"

I bent down biting through the placenta and the umbilical cord to get to the baby. I quickly raised the baby from Y/n's body. I smiled as the baby started crying, I lifted the baby so Y/n could see. "It's Charlie."

Y/n rasped out. "Beautiful." I handed Charlie to Y/n. Y/n winced as Charlie bit her. I quickly took the baby back into my arms as she started to cry. I looked up as Charlie seemed to be pointing to Y/n. I looked to see Y/n slowly stop breathing.

Leah freaked. "Y/n? Y/N?!" Leah quickly started doing CPR on Y/n. I quickly got a towel and wrapped the baby in it. "Leah take the baby." Leah snarled. "Keep THAT away from me!" Rosalie walked back into the room. "Kate, I'll take her, I promise I'm okay let me." I quickly handed Charlie to Rosalie.

I pulled open the draw and grabbed the massive needle. Leah stopped doing CPR, staring at the needle. "What is that?" I answered her as I plunged the needle into Y/n's chest. "It's my venom." We waited but nothing happened. I started doing chest compressions to get the venom pumping throughout her body. "It's supposed to be working."

"I won't kill you, that would be too easy, you deserve to live with this." Leah took one last look at Y/n and left the room.

Leah's POV

I quickly left out the back door, running down the steps, in floods of tears. I fell backwards hugging myself. I finally let the tears fall. Jacob and Seth stood watching me. Seth was the one to talk. "She didn't make it..." The tears wouldn't stop falling.

Kate's POV

I was still doing CPR "You're not're not dead...come on...come ON!" I decided to try something different. I bit down on Y/n's neck, licking the wound to keep the venom in. I did the same to both her wrists and her legs.

Leah's POV

I got up off the floor and stalked towards the house...that baby was going to die...for killing my best friend and the girl I loved. As I walked in I saw Rosalie sitting holding the baby...she got what she wanted...that thing and Y/n out the way! I stalked towards them quietly. Rosalie lifted the baby over her shoulder. It was a great vantage point for me to lunge for the baby and kill it. I was getting ready to spring, feeling my bones shifting.

My eyes met with the baby's I stood frozen. I gasped...I couldn't believe it...It was like gravity my whole center shifted...suddenly it wasn't the earth holding me here...I would do anything she needs...a friend...a sister...protector...

I fell to my knees...I had finally imprinted...

Kate's POV

As I was checking Y/n, I heard wolves not far from the house "ALICE! JASPER! IRINA!" I kissed Y/n's forehead and ran outside.

The other's meeting me out there. Jasper spoke. "We're out numbered." Alice spoke up. "By a lot." I shook my head. "I won't let them hurt my family." A fight quickly broke out, we weren't winning, we needed help fast.

At that point the others had got back from their hunt. Jacob and Seth came bounding over, helping us fight off their old pack members.

Leah came running outside quickly getting in the way. "STOP! It's over!" The big black wolf tried to step round Leah to get to me.

Leah quickly got in the way again, knowing what the wolf was going to do. Leah spoke up again "You kill her you kill me!" The wolf snarled jumping forward, knocking Leah backwards. Leah went flying through the air, phasing as she landed. She snarled at the wolf, stalking forward, causing the wolf to step backwards.

I had no idea what was going on, but the wolves soon disappeared. Leah turned to me and whined. Rosalie stepped out with Charlie. "I think I know why they left...Leah imprinted...they can't hurt her...whoever a wolf imprints on can't be's their most absolute law."

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