part 19

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Your POV

It had been 2 weeks since finding out you were pregnant with...his child...the house was divided between the people that thought you should keep the baby and the people who thought you should abort the wanted to keep the wasn't the baby's fault their dad's a monster...Rosalie was on your side, along with Emmett, Carmen and Eleazer...but Tanya, Alice, Jasper, Kate and Irina wanted you to abort your baby.

The tension was absolutely doing your head in. You got your phone out and dialled your life long friends number.

Phone call in bold.

You: Hello?

Leah: Hey Y/n, how's it going?

You: Not are you and Seth?

Leah: I'm good and Seth...well you know How Seth is...are you okay...I saw what your mom did to you at Charlie's funeral...I would have come over...but I didn't think the bloodsuckers would have liked it.

You: I really wish you wouldn't call them that Lee...

Leah: Please Y/n, I'm sure they have names for us too.

You: Listen, I could use some girl time, will you come over...please?

Leah: Will they be there?

You: Yes...but please's been forever...I miss you...

Leah: Okay, I'll be there soon

You: Great! Love you!

Leah: Love you too!


You put your phone down and looked up to see everyone staring at you..."What?" Kate laughed "Have I got some competition?" You rolled your eyes. "No of course not, you know I love you." Kate leaned over the couch and kissed you gently on the lips.

Rosalie sat on the arm of the couch. "Wait, so does this mean the house is going to smell of wet dog?" Rosalie cringed. "I don't think she smells that bad." Rosalie rolled her eyes. "Of course you don't, you're human, but to us she smells of wet dog."

"Yeah well, you don't smell great to us either blondie." You didn't even hear Leah come in. Rosalie quickly shielded you from view, you couldn't help but roll your eyes. Leah took a step closer to you. Rosalie took a step forward. "That's close enough." You sighed. You heard Leah say. "What the hells your problem?" You groaned. "Rose it's okay"

Rosalie looked to you and then nodded, stepping to the side. You saw Leah gasp as she took in your had changed a lot since becoming were a lot skinnier...your face was pale and sweaty and your eyes looked like they were sinking in to your skull... "Oh my god Y/n, you look sick...what's wrong?" You looked at Rosalie. "Hey Rose, wanna help me up?" Rosalie took a step towards you and gently reached for your hand. You put your hand in hers and she gently pulled you to your feet.

Leah took a step saw her stare at your swollen looked down to see your shirt wasn't covering your bump quickly pulled your shirt over your stomach and cradled your bump.

"How?" This was going to be hard to explain. "Edward..." Leah looked confused. "He got you pregnant?" You nodded. "How the hell is that even possible?"

You shrugged, none of you knew. Leah looked around at everyone. "Why haven't you done anything?! Take it out of her!"

Rosalie took a step towards Leah and you sat back down. "This is none of your business dog!" Tanya had enough. "Rose!" Rosalie's head snapped in Tanya's direction "All of this arguing isn't good for Y/n."

Alice threw her arms up in exasperation. "The foetus isn't good for Y/n!" Rosalie turned to Alice. "Say the word Alice! Baby! It's just a little baby!" Jasper took a step forward. "Possibly..."

Now it was your turn to snap. "Alright that's enough! Leah, I'm not getting rid of the baby! It's my decision!" Leah was about to say something when you heard Kate speak from behind you. "Leah can I talk to you outside please?" Leah nodded. You grabbed Kate's hand before she could walk away. Kate looked down at you and smiled. "It's okay babe, we'll both be back in a minute." Kate kissed your head and followed Leah outside.

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