part 33

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Eleazar's POV

We were all gathered in the library, Rosalie putting Charlie to bed. I needed to tell everyone what I knew. "When Aro wants someone from a coven, it's never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some sort of crime." Y/n spoke up from across the room. "So his done this before?" I answered her question. "It happens so rarely, I never realised there was a pattern."

Carmen spoke up. "Apparently he always pardons one person, whose thoughts he claims are appetent." I folded my arms. "This person always has an ability and they're always given a place within the guard."

Kate shook her head. "This is all about Alice, he has no one like her." Y/n seemed to snap at Kate "Which is why she left!" Kate shook her head sadly. Emmett spoke up. "Why does he need witnesses?" Alastair answered. "To spread the word that justice has been served, after his slaughtered an entire coven."

Amun stood up making his way to the door. "Benjamin, Tia we're leaving." Kate spoke up scowling. "And where will you go? What makes you think they'll be satisfied with Alice? What's to stop them from going after Benjamin next? Or Zafrina? Or me? Or anyone with a gift, anyone they want? Their goal isn't punishment, it's power. Eleazar may not ask you to fight, but I will, for the sake of my family but also for yours, and the way you want to live."

One by one everyone stood agreeing to fight if it came to it. Vladimir scoffed. "Well that didn't take much."

Kate DenaliWhere stories live. Discover now