part 25

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Kate's POV

I went back to Y/n, everyone helped get her ready for when she woke up. Rosalie washed Y/n and Alice put her in a blue dress. I was worried. "She shouldn't be this still..." Tanya tried to calm me down. "It's the morphine." But it didn't help. "Maybe I was too late." Tanya shook her head. "No Kate, listen to her heart."

Everyone left the room and watched as Y/n's body started to change before my eyes. The bite marks that I left behind slowly started to heal. Y/n's hair went from being dull to a bright mahogany, Y/n's spine healing from the damage she sustained giving birth to Charlie. Y/n's skin was no longer tight along her bones and she became paler. Her lips filling out becoming a nice shade of pink. The house was silent as Y/n's heart stopped beating.

I looked over to her as her eyes opened revealing them to be bright red and alert.

Y/n's POV

Everything was so bright and so clear. You could clearly see every dust molecule and you could clearly see beads of water flowing down the vase across the room. You looked around the room and you saw a figure standing stock still by the back door. You took a second look...Kate...she had her hand reached out for you to take.

You placed your hand in hers, rubbing your hand up her arm, Kate cupped your face and you leaned in to her embrace. You looked at her to see her smiling at you. She whispered to you. "So beautiful, we're the same temperature now."

Kate led you over to the long mirror they had in the corner of the room. You looked at the reflection in the mirror. To say it was a shock was an understatement. The person staring back at you looked like you...but didn't...she looked like an angel...

You turned to Kate pulling her into a hug, you heard her grunt. "Y/n, you're a lot stronger than me right now..." yiu quickly loosened your grip on Kate. She smiled. "It's you're turn not to break me." Your voice sounded like wind chimes. "I love you." Kate smiled. "I love you."

Kate leaned in closer, your lips finally connecting. It felt like every nerve was on fire. Your lips fitting perfectly together. You leaned back after a few minutes, looking into Kate's eyes. "Charlie." Kate smiled. "She's incredible." You turned towards the door.

"Where is she? I have to see her." Kate grabbed your hand."

" need to get your first under control." You gasped grabbing at your throat, you didn't notice the burn before Kate mentioned it but it felt like someone set your throat on fire. Kate looked concerned. "Yeah you need to hunt."

Kate DenaliWhere stories live. Discover now