part 38

804 17 0

The battle will be in bold and will be in the third person


Alice was annoyed, she glared at Aro. "It doesn't matter what I show you, even when you see, you still won't change your decision!" Alice pulled her hand away from Aro and turned to look at Y/n mouthing now.

Y/n looked up at Charlie a pained look in her eye. Charlie looked at her mother with a pleading look. With one last look at Charlie, Y/n went to stand in front of Leah, facing her and whispered. "Take care of my daughter."

Leah whirled around and ran, Charlie looked back at Y/n and Kate. Caius turned to a member of the guard and muttered. "Get them!" Alice turned back to Aro kicking him in the face and sending him flying through the air, he caught himself landing on his feet, glaring at Alice, while everyone else looked shocked and prepared for a battle.

Alice turned to run but was quickly grabbed my two members of the guard. Aro walked back to the front of the group. Everyone on the other side took a step forward, ready to pounce. "Take her away!"

The guards started pulling Alice away, Jasper tried his hardest to get to her.

Eleazar shouted. "Let her go!" and went running to Alice's aid. Eleazar managed to knock two of the guard away from him and carried on to Alice. Aro cut him off, both leaping into the air. When they landed on the floor Aro was smiling holding....Eleazar's head, Caius set Eleazar's body on fire.

A blood curdling scream ripped through Carmen's throat at the loss of her mate, everyone else had a look of pure shock.

Everyone ran at each other ready to kill...The wolves joining closely behind. There was a mangle of body parts being thrown in every direction.

Jane walked around, seeing who her best target was, She set her sights on Jasper, sending him to the floor in agony. Y/n saw this and quickly shielded Jasper, protecting him from Jane's gift. Jane noticed too and so did Alec. Alec ran at Y/n tackling her to the ground, stopping her shield.

Jasper dropped to his knees in pain, Felix holding his arms behind him while Demetri ripped off his head, sending it rolling to the floor. Alice screamed out at losing her mate.

Emmett flipped a guard over sending him to the ground and ripping his head from his body. Emmett looked up to see Alec about to charge Y/n. Emmett quickly ran at Alec jumping up and throwing him into the ground, putting his foot onto Alec's throat and disconnecting his head from his body, and throwing his body to the other side of the field. Jane looked on in shock at losing her twin brother.

Alice flipped backwards ripping the guards arms from their bodies. Tanya kicked guards away from her while Kate proceeded to shock them.

Leah was running away from the battle with Charlie securely on her back. Charlie looked back to see a member of the Volturi following not far behind.

Demetri made his way to Kate. Kate noticed running at him.

The Volturi member was getting closer and closer to Leah and Charlie.

Demetri flipped Kate onto her back. A guard went flying through the air and was stopped by Seth ripping his head off. Jane stood in front of him, glaring at him. Seth fell on his back whimpering in pain. Seth rose to his feet shaking and crying out. Felix grabbed Seth from behind and squeezed, crushing him. Felix dropped Seth to the ground with a thud. Jacob looked up as Seth panted...and his breathing stopped...

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