part 10

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Kate's POV

"Shit, Shit, Shit!" I threw my phone on the floor, pacing, I saw Alice at the corner of my eye and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Alice, what did you see!" Alice blinked. "We need to get to Y/n now, his going to hurt her!"

I quickly ran out the house the family behind me, thankfully I could still smell her scent, she wasn't far away.

We got closer and could hear Edward talking to Y/n.

"I've missed you Y/n." I heard Y/n scoff. "Missed me? You killed my father!" We got closer and I could now see Edward. He took a step closer to Y/n and crouched down next to her, moving hair out of her face. "Don't you see Y/n, he never would have let us be together, but now that his gone we can be, we can be happy together."

I was seething. I saw Y/n move away from him. He was by her side in an instant grabbing her arm tightly and pulling her to her feet. I heard Y/n gasp in pain and I snapped. I ran over to him, grabbing him, sending electric currents through his body. I threw him into the nearest tree, and gently pushed Y/n behind Carmen.

The rest of the family shielded Y/n from Edward. Edward jumped up tackling me to the floor. I electrocuted him again. "She's mine Kate, back off." I punched him in the face hard, seeing cracks appear on his face. "You don't own her dick head! You killed her dad, you really think she wants YOU! Get out of here before I kill you, if we ever see you again your DEAD!"

He got up glaring at me, he looked back at Y/n. "I'll see you soon love." Before I could do anything he was gone.

I turned to look at Y/n when I felt her arms wrap around my neck. "It's okay Y/n, you're okay." I pulled back so I could see her face. She smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek. My mind went blank, if I could blush I'm sure I would be.

I picked Y/n up bridal style, looking at the others. "Could one of you bring the car back please? while I take Y/n home?" Irina nodded and I took off with Y/n in my arms, if Edward was going to try something, I wasn't going to leave Y/n alone...unless she was with one of the family...I would make sure she stayed safe...Y/n is my life now...

Kate DenaliWhere stories live. Discover now