part 13

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Your POV

You didn't talk at all on the way home, you wouldn't even look at anyone. As soon as the car stopped you quickly jumped out and ran inside, the others quickly following. You ran to the stairs, you could feel Kate behind you and turned round to look at her. "Kate...I need to be alone...after what happened with Renee...I just need some time on my own..." Kate smiled sadly but let you go.

You was thankful for that, you needed to cry...and you needed to be alone...just for awhile. As soon as you got to Kate's room, the water works started, you cried and cried. It hurt so much...your own mother blamed you...but maybe she was right...maybe it was your fault that he died...Edward wouldn't have killed him if it wasn't for needed to find needed answers. You just didn't know how to do's not like anyone was going to help you.

Making a split second decision you quickly got your phone out and called the Cullen home.

Phone call in bold.

You: Hello?

Edward: Hello Y/n I've missed you.

You: Edward...I need to see you...we need to talk...

Edward: I know we do Y/n...

You: Is there anyway you can get to me without the others knowing?

Edward: Tell them you want to go for a drive alone, don't think about where your going, make it seem like a split second decision and come to the house.

You: I'll see you soon...

Edward: See you soon love.


You put your phone back in your pocket and rushed downstairs, Rosalie and Tanya were the only one's down stairs. They both looked up at you. "Hey guys, I'm just going to go for a drive, I need to clear my head."

Rosalie spoke and surprisingly she wasn't sarcastic she seemed genuinely concerned for you. "Do you want one of us to come with you, or maybe Kate?"

You smiled, you felt terrible about this. "No that's okay, I just need some time alone" They both nodded and with that you left.

You had to make sure not to make a decision to go to the house. You quickly drove towards the Cullen home, making sure to keep changing your mind so Alice wouldn't see.

You pulled up to the house and saw Edward waiting outside for you. You got out and walked over to him. "Come walk with me Y/n."

He didn't wait for an answer as he walked off. This felt all too familiar. You trailed behind him, walking into the woods. You knew it was probably stupid but you needed to know why he did this...

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