part 8

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Kate's POV

I watched the colour drain, from Y/n's face, I took a step forward anxiously, she looked like she was going to pass out at any second. Y/n came down the last few steps and stared blankly at the Cullen's, then to us, I went to walk towards her, but she took a step back.

"I can't be here right now, I need to go." Y/n wouldn't even look at me, she wouldn't look at anyone, I went to grab her hand, but Tanya stopped me.

"She needs some space Kate, let her go...she'll come back." Before I knew it the door had been slammed and the car started, tires were screeching away.

I turned to the Cullen's. "Why did you even have to come here?! Isn't it bad enough that Y/n lost her dad because of Edward?! You think now is a good time to come back?!" The Cullen's averted their eyes.

Esme was the first to speak. "We don't know Edward's side of the story..." Okay now I was really getting pissed!

"EDWARD'S SIDE OF THE STORY?! ARE YOU FOR REAL RIGHT NOW?! HE KILLED A HUMAN! Maybe we should go to the Volturi! See what they have to say?!"

The Cullen's gasped, apart from Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie, they didn't seem to care. Carlisle spoke "His our son Kate..." Before I could talk, Rosalie beat me to it, turning to Carlisle as if she was about to bite his head off.

"Get a grip Carlisle! Edward isn't the golden boy, you think he is! He put Y/n in danger and killed her dad! And you need to realise his a little shit, that needs a good ass kicking!" Carlisle looked like he'd been slapped, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Rosalie, don't say that." Rosalie walked over to us. "Fine you don't want to listen, then I'm no longer apart of the Cullen clan." Everybody gasped in shock, Alice, Jasper and Emmett both followed Rosalie.

Esme looked like she was about to cry. "Kid's what are you doing?" I couldn't help but smile. "Looks like they're sick of the bullshit!"

Carlisle turned, motioning for Esme to follow. "Let's go find OUR son, they've made their choice, they'll come running back eventually."

Without a word Esme followed and they were gone.

Kate DenaliWhere stories live. Discover now