part 18

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Your POV

It had been 2 weeks since...the incident...You hadn't left the house since it happened...You stayed glued to Kate...You didn't want to be away from her...she was the only one that made you feel safe...You knew she hunted when you were asleep but other than that, she was with you it made you love her even more.

You were so angry with yourself, you wanted nothing more than to be intimate with her, but every time you tried, you had flashbacks...Kate understood...but it didn't stop you from being mad at yourself...this was all his fault.

For the past 2 weeks, you've been feeling nauseous all the time. Carmen would cook you your favourite food but you couldn't eat, it had been a while since you've had any real food in your could see Kate looking at you, you knew she was worried.

Tanya walked in carrying a sandwich, you rolled your eyes, obviously that was for you, not like she was going to sit down and eat it. You looked to Kate again to see the concern grow. You felt terrible, so when Tanya offered yiu the sandwich you took it without argument. You picked it up and took a small bite, you saw the relief on everyone's face. By the time you was nearly done the wave of nausea hit. You put the plate down, clamped your hand over your mouth and ran to the bathroom. You got to the toilet just in time, as the contents of your stomach came rushing to the surface.

"Y/n?" You didn't have to look up to know it was Kate. You looked up momentarily. "Don't come in here, you don't need to see this."

Kate ignored you walking into the bathroom and sitting down next to you. You flushed the toilet, closed the lid and sat on top of it.

"Hey Kate can you pass me my bag please?" Kate got up and handed you the bag.

You took a look inside and froze, Kate was by your side in an instant. "Y/n? What's wrong?" You looked up at her. "I'm periods late..." you stood up and moved to the mirror, lifting your shirt up. You stood side ways and you could swear you saw a small, perfect little bump. You put your hands on your stomach and felt around, your abdomen felt hard, stone like.

You looked at Kate, she seemed frozen. You turned to her and gasped, clutching your stomach. That got Kate's attention and she put her hand on your shoulder, before calling out "Tanya?! Get in here please!"

Tanya was in the room within a second of being called, looking at you both in concern. "I know this sounds crazy, but I think I'm pregnant." Tanya looked wary. Another gasp ripped through you as you clutched your stomach.

Tanya was by you instantly..."Kate, I need to get her checked...something's not right."

Kate nodded and took you from the bathroom into Tanya's study. It was set up like a hospital room. Kate led you down on the bed and held yiur hand.

Everyone else soon came in the room wondering what was going on. Tanya got things ready for a sonogram. Everyone looked confused until they all realised why Tanya would have to perform one. You quietly rolled up your shirt. "This is going to be cold Y/n." You nodded not meeting anyone's gaze.

Tanya started the sonogram, frowning. You looked at her. "What is it?" Tanya shook her head. "I'm not sure, I can't see anything, but you guys can hear that right?" Tanya obviously didn't mean you, you looked around seeing all the vampires nodding.

You looked to Kate and gave her hand a squeeze. "What is it?" Kate stroked your face gently. "It's a second heartbeat Y/'re pregnant..."

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