part 30

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Your POV

That night Rosalie was putting Charlie to bed while everyone else sat in the library, with Eleazer explaining about immortal children. Kate, Irina and Tanya decided to hunt while the rest of you talked in the library.

"Immortal children were very beautiful, so enchanting, to be near them was to love them, but their development was frozen at the age they were turned, they couldn't be taught or restrained, a single tantrum could destroy an entire village." Eleazer went into detail about how the Denali's mother created an immortal child, resulting in the vampire secret being exposed and the Volturi killing the child and their mother in front of the Denali girls.

You was shocked, no wonder they wanted to go hunting... You shook your head in disbelief. "Well Charlie's nothing like those children, she was born not bitten, she grows every single day." Leah piped up next to you. "So can't you just explain that to the Volturi?"

Carmen shook her head. "Aro has enough proof in Carlisle's thoughts."

Leah shook her head. "So we fight." As if it was that simple...

Jasper spoke from across the room. "Their offensive weapons are too powerful no one can stand against Jane." Alice butted in "Alec's even worse..."

You wasn't having this. "Well then we convince them." Emmett folded his arms across his chest "They're coming to kill us, not to talk."

Kate, Irina and Tanya walked in through the back door. Kate sat down next to you and held your hand. "No you're right, they won't listen to us, but maybe others can convince them, Eleazer we have friends all around the world."

Eleazer shook his head at Kate. "I won't ask them to fight." Kate rolled her eyes back at him. "Not fight, witness, if enough people knew the truth, maybe we could convince the Volturi to listen."

Carmen put her hand on Eleazer's arm. "We can ask this of our friends." Eleazer nodded. It looked like we had a plan after all.

Kate DenaliWhere stories live. Discover now