part 35

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Your POV

That night you decided to be the one to put Charlie to bed. You was lying on Charlie's bed with her under the covers, snuggled up close to you. As you was reading to her you noticed she was starting to nod off, you quietly closed the book, putting it on the nightstand. You turned the light off and went to get up until you heard Charlie say something. "Mom, did Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper run away because we're gonna die?" You leaned in close "No, I think they left to keep us safer, and that's what all these other people are here for too, I'll never let anybody hurt you."

You bent down, kissing Charlie's head. You went out and sat in the living room, you was alone again, Kate was still up at the main house...probably with Garrett...we haven't actually spoken alone since he started flirting.

Maybe Kate didn't want you as a mate after all...maybe she wanted him...and god did that hurt...but if that's what she wanted you would let her go...You needed to focus on keeping Charlie safe...Charlie see's Kate as her second mom and that wasn't going to change even if you aren't together.

You decided to have a bath, after going and turning the bath on you went back in the living room. You looked at the note from Alice again. You looked at the other side of the page to see The merchant of Venice. You went to the next page in the book to see writing in Alice's hand writing. J. Jenks, Seattle - destroy this.

Alice made sure that only you would get the message, because only your mind would be safe from Aro. You quickly chucked the book into the fire place before going and getting in the bath.

The next day you decided to take Charlie to go and see Sue at the reservation. You were allowed there now thanks to Leah imprinting on Charlie, and they all loved Charlie. You couldn't stand to see Garrett flirting with Kate and her not doing anything to stop it.

On the way to the reservation in the car Leah spoke up from the seat next to you. "Is everything okay with you and Kate?" You looked at her. "Yeah fine." She didn't seem convinced. "Y/n..." You shook your head. "I don't want to talk about it okay?" Leah nodded before changing the subject. "Surprised you took a break from training." You sighed. "If I don't take Charlie to see your mom, she'll come to us, 27 vampires, one human, not so great." Leah stared at you and whispered. "I know that's what you told Kate." You looked at her sharply to cut her off. She spoke again. "Whatever...I'm just glad to get away from all those reeking bloodsuck-" You gaped at her. She scoffed. "I'm sorry, I know, they're the good guys...but come on Dracula one and two are creepy..." You couldn't help but laugh.

You pulled up outside Sue's house, Sue came running out to greet you all, and Billy came wheeling down the ramp. Charlie quickly jumped out the car, running to Sue, Sue picked Charlie up, spun her around and set her back down. "Wow look at you, you've grown half a foot, seriously like six inches." Billy laughed from next to her.

Sue looked at you and Leah. "Come on in inside lunch is on the table." Billy spoke up. "And we got a tree to decorate."

You stayed near the car. "I've actually got a few errands to run guys, I'll be back soon okay?" You shared a look with Leah and got in the car before driving off.

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