part 11

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Your POV

Kate had just walked through the front door still carrying you. The rest of the family walked in behind us. Everybody just stood still. This was getting awkward...

" wanna put me down now?" Kate smiled and gently put you down. You sat down on the couch, Kate sitting next to you, she looked tense, so you reached out and held her hand, she looked down at your hands and smiled. You rested your head on her shoulder.

"Guys can I have a minute with Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie please, I really need to talk to them." They nodded, Kate looked hesitant to leave. You smiled at her. "It's okay Kate I'll be fine." Kate nodded and left with the rest of the Denali's.

The former members of the Cullen clan sat down opposite you. They all looked upset, it was obvious you'd have to do the talking first. "Why? why did you guys leave..." You thought Alice would be the one to talk but to your surprise it was Rosalie. "Edward...he told us that after what happened at your birthday party...that you were scared of us...and you didn't want to be near us..." Alice was next to speak "He made it so believable...we hadn't seen you in weeks...we didn't want you to be scared so we left."

Your mouth was hanging open you couldn't believe what you had just heard. "You guys hadn't seen me because Edward wouldn't let me see you guys, and you and Jasper weren't in school, and I wasn't scared of you, I've never been scared of you...ever..."

Jasper spoke next "I thought you were scared I'd hurt you again" I smiled sadly at Jasper. "I didn't blame you for what happened wasn't your wasn't anyone's fault, it was an accident."

Emmett spoke "So your not mad at us?" You couldn't help but smile. "Oh I'm mad, but I can forgive you, Carlisle and Esme not so much, I saw them as my parents, and they left me, they chose Edward over me"

Kate and the rest of the Denali's walked back in, Kate wrapped her arms around you and put her head on your shoulder. You leaned back smiling. You turned in her arms. "I'm pretty tired, can you come lie with me until I fall asleep?" Kate smiled and nodded her head.

You made your way to the stairs and smiled at everyone before walking upstairs. You walked into Kate's room and led down on the bed. Kate led down next to you wrapping her arms around you again. You snuggled into her.

"Sweetie, have you thought anymore about what you wanna do about your dad's funeral?" You looked up at her, she looked worried. "Yeah, I'm gonna go, I just can't believe my mom organised the whole'll be nice to see her again, Kate...I was wondering if you guys would come to the funeral with me?" You said, sitting up avoiding her gaze.

Kate sat up too, put her fingers under your chin and tilted so that you had to meet her gaze. "Of course we'll come with you Y/n...I'll support you have no idea how much I care about you Y/n."

Your heart beat was going like mad. "I think I have an idea..." You looked at Kate's lips and back to her eyes. You saw the colour of Kate's eyes go from a golden colour to a near black. Kate looked to your lips and then back to your eyes.

You wasn't going to hesitate this time. Yoi moved forward and connected your lips. Kissing her was much better than kissing Edward...her lips were smooth yet firm and loving. Your lips moulded together as if your lips were always meant for hers. You both moved in sync with each other. You felt Kate's tongue run across your bottom lip. You opened your mouth slightly and your tongue's battled for dominance. You felt like you could do this forever. You pushed yourself into her...wanting to be as close to her as possible. Kate gentle straddled your lap eliciting a moan from you. Kate pulled away knowing that you needed to breathe.

You was gasping for breath, resting your head against hers. "wow..." we both said at the same time. You led down, Kate wrapping herself around you, and you fell asleep...maybe I could actually be happy with Kate.

Kate DenaliWhere stories live. Discover now