One Shot Contest!

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Okay! So I've seen so many people do this to their book so I wanna too! :P

If you don't know what this is it's, a contest for your book. You'll pick a couple in the book and make a one shot of them. It can be romantic, funny, or just a regular day!

You have to dedicate the one shot to me and I'll take a look!

Here are the couples you can choose from;

Mallory & Zayn

Melissa & Louis

Leah & Niall

Rachel & Harry

Kendell & Liam

Choose one and get making them!

The deadline is February 20th 2013!

Please take your time and don't rush! If your late, maybe I might put it in and read it. All the one shots will be put in a reading list if you wanna read them. You can even help me if you wanna! ;)

I have a felling it's gonna be a tough choice! BTW; I'm updating when I get 9 508 reads!

Please just try! Also! Before I forget, The Rewards you get for the one shots are,

FIRST PLACE; A fan from me, feedback on your books, a shout out, and you go on my bio!

SECOND PLACE; Feedback on one of your books, and you go on my bio!

THIRD PLACE; Your go on my bio! (And if it was a tough choice, a fan)

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