Chapter 21-Late Again?!

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Chapter 21-Late Again?!

*•.•*•.•*Mallory's POV*•.•*•.•*

When we got to Keenan's house, his car wasn't there so I assumed he wasn't home. "Are you sure you wanna go in there?" Zayn asked.

"Zayn, I have to face my fears to get over them," I replied getting out of Paul's black car.

Zayn got out too. "I did say I was going to do this with you, didn't I?" He asked.

I nodded and we made our way to Keenan's front door. I so hope he's not home. That would suck! He would probably be drunk or hungover. I opened the rusty old door to this place I use to call home, and walked in side. Just as I expected there were clothes, beer bottles, even cigarettes all over the floor. What a pig stock!

"How can someone live like this?" Zayn asked. I shrugged and walked to his bedroom. The rest of my clothes all over the closet floor. I was the only one to use the closet. I packed all my clothes up and some of my favourite stuff off of my shelf and walked out.

"You ready?" I asked Zayn at the front door.

"Oh, yeah let's go." We headed out of Keenan's pig stock.

"I'm so happy we don't have to get through, Keenan," I sighed.

"Oh, you mean me?" A guy slurred from behind me. I turned around and Keenan was dangerously too close to me. "I knew you would come back for me, baby. I didn't think you would bring a boy too." He tried to stoke my check but stroked my ear. I froze, too scared to move at all.

"Get you hands off her!" Zayn warned Keenan. Keenan just ignored him.

"We could have had the world-"

"For the last time, get your dirty little hands off of her!" Zayn walked up to Keenan fuming. I'm just standing there scared half to death.

"Ooo I'm so scared," Keenan waved his hands sloppily in the air.

"You should be scared." Zayn pushed Keenan against the brick wall of Keenan'a house. Zayn held him there.

"Well Mr.Badboy what are you going to do about it?" Keenan slurred.

"Oh I'm going to-"

"Zayn!" I in froze and realised what was happening in front of me, "Don't. You'll only hurt yourself," I begged.

Zayn's face softened. "Okay. Get in the car, please." I opened my mouth to protest but Zayn beat me to it, "I'll be there in a second."

I nodded and walked to the car. I opened the passenger door and climbed into the car. Zayn whispered something into Keenan's ear and released him. Then Zayn walked over to the car. Zayn climbed in the car, like I did and started the engine.

"What did you say to, Keenan?" I said barely a whisper.

"What?" Zayn asked putting the car in reverse and driving down Keenan's drive way.

"I said, What did you say to, Keenan," I said a little louder.

"Oh," Zayn sighed, "I said to sty away from you and don't ever put your hands on my- I mean you." Zayn blushed.

"Aw," I pinched Zayn's cheek, "Your so adorable when you blush!" I said in a little baby voice.

"Wait," Zayn said panicked, "What time is it!?"

I took out my phone, "Eleven thirty? Why--SOUNDCHECK!" Zayn stepped on the peddle.

(A/N: "I want you to hit the peddle heavy metal show me you care!" If you don't know that song, GTFO! And Sorry I had to sing it!)

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