Chapter 18- The "Friendly Lunch"

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Chapter 18- The "Friendly Lunch"

*•.•*•.•*Rachel's POV*•.•*•.•*


"Stop!" I screamed at a boy in a black hoodie.

He just kept walking, "I said, STOP!" I yelled trying to catch up to the mystery boy.

I just stopped jogging and sat on the wet sidewalk from the rain and started to sob, "Why didn't he just listen to me and stop!?" I sobbed in to my hands.

I felt a pair of arms go around my shaking body. The arms hugged me in a familiar way. I turned around to see-


I shot right up and hit my head. "Ow.." I groaned rubbing my head. I sleep on the top bunk so when night mares happen I'm guessing this will happen. I jumped out of bed stepping a little on, Leah's bunk. It made this squeaky sound. I found my orange zigzagged suitcase and opened it. I got out my laptop and its charger, and walked through the game room over to the kitchen. I sat in the booth.

I took my laptop charger and plugged it in to the wall outlet. I waited for my crappy laptop to load. I just picked at my nails until I looked up and saw it has done loading. I put in my password and watched it. I went on google and searched up; Can dreams become real life? I clicked on the first one and it lead me to, Answers.

Random person; Can dreams become real life?

Answer; Actually yes, yes they can. If you think about it, dreams are about something that has some what happened to you or might happen to you.

Maybe the person who was hugging me was some what familiar. It did feel like I knew them, knew them pretty good. It was probably like, mom or dad. I just wanna know who was the person not listening. Even if they weren't anyone I know then why didn't they give me a crazy stare? I get that a lot. I looked at the time on the microwave, it's 10:40am. At least it's not midnight or worst, six in the morning.

Harry walks into the kitchen. He's just in his sweatpants with no shirt on. He turned on the kettle and got out a package of, Yorkshire Tea. Probably for, Louis. He turned around to sit in the seat in front of me. His eyes are half open. I snapped my fingers in front of his face.

He jumped, "What was that!?" He asked frantic.

"That's something I like to call waking someone up from there nap." I smartly reply.

"So you still on for the dat- friendly lunch, before the soundcheck?" He got up to make the Yorkshire Tea for Louis.

"Mhm. What time was it at again?" I asked him.

He says, "Oh it's in an hour and twenty minutes. So that's at, twelve o'clock." He answered. Okay good, I have time.

"Where's it at?" I asked him closing then putting my laptop under my arm.

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise." He smirked. I huffed and walked to my bunk. I put my laptop on my bed than went over to my suitcase. I took out high waisted black shorts, my see through neon pink v neck shirt with my grey toms. I went over to the bathroom and locked the door. I started the water to let it heat up. I undressed and walked into the warmth of the shower. I shampooed and conditioned. I scrubbed my blueberry body wash into my skin.

I got out of the shower and saw steam everywhere! It was like a steam room. Plus this bathroom is quite small. I picked up a towel off of a rack and wiped my body then put it on my hair. I put on my bra and undies. Then I slipped on my neon pink v neck shirt. I put my black high waisted shorts over my neon shirt. I slipped on my TOMS and walked out.

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